Additional Selector Types - Time & Color

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Additional Selector Types - Time & Color

Postby john1598360627 » Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:04 am

When working on the Fullcalendar2, I realized there could be some more useful selector elements that would be a great help for user experience.

Similar to the calendar element which lets you select a date, having an element let you specific time of day via a clock would be nice.

This would work great with the Fullcalendar2, deciding on a specific time for an event's start & end date.

A visual color selector that the user can get a specific hexadecimal value.

Fullcalendar2 event's can have different background colors. So having the user have a way of changing it themselves would be good.

If these are already possible somehow within Servoy let me know!
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Re: Additional Selector Types - Time & Color

Postby mboegem » Sun Apr 07, 2024 1:21 pm

Hi John,

All of this is already available.

For time picker you have 2 easy choices:
1) Use a textbox component, set the input type to 'time' and attach a date type dataprovider.
2) You already used the calendar component to select the date, if you change the input format to 'HH:mm' (24-hour clock), it will popup with just the time picker.

To achieve a color picker it is similar to option 1 of the timepicker.
This time set the input type to 'color' and attach a string type dataprovider.

Hope this helps.
Marc Boegem
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Re: Additional Selector Types - Time & Color

Postby john1598360627 » Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:02 am

mboegem wrote:Hi John,

All of this is already available.

For time picker you have 2 easy choices:
1) Use a textbox component, set the input type to 'time' and attach a date type dataprovider.
2) You already used the calendar component to select the date, if you change the input format to 'HH:mm' (24-hour clock), it will popup with just the time picker.

To achieve a color picker it is similar to option 1 of the timepicker.
This time set the input type to 'color' and attach a string type dataprovider.

Hope this helps.

Oh wow, I did NOT realize this was available, thank you!

.... by the way, is there a list somewhere of all possible Input Types? I have checked the wiki but don't see a place referencing these but I must be missing where it says them all!
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