Be able to display multiple windows.

Discuss all feature requests you have for a new Servoy versions here. Make sure to be clear about what you want, provide an example and indicate how important the feature is for you

Postby pbakker » Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:22 am

And to add a little more:

If you want to start using Servoy 3.0 Webclient features: You need to build a GUI that does everything in one window.

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Postby jim » Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:05 pm

I agree that endless window proliferation is best to be avoided, but I think that one more level deep of visible form would be a big plus.

We have our users enter all data in FIDs; it keeps the main interface screens neat, and they always know where they are because the main screen is right in the background. Some data entry screens are necessarily a bit complex; it would be very handy to be able to pop open another FID to accomplish some small task or other, then return to the data entry screen- all the while leaving the main screen in the background. Often this secondary FID would be very smaill, size-wise, kind of like a dialog box but with the flexibilty of a full-on form.

In addition to keeping the comfort level high for our users (many of whom are volunteers who likely receive little or no training from their organization), this also takes advantage of another dimension for organizing information. While discipline must be maintained not to go overboard with stacking windows, I see an inherent advantage in using the z-axis if the capability exists. It more closely resembles the "real" world of our perceptions.

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Postby chartpacs » Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:21 pm

Like jim I prefer to have users enter data in FIDs, and here's why I would like to have a second FID visible along with the first FID: I am planning on "rolling my own" dialogs, for a couple of reasons (can't stand the look of them on a Mac, plus you can't return the number of the button that was pressed, only the text).

Anyway, when I'm validating the data entry on the first FID, I would like to display a dialog (which is the second FID), alerting the user of some data entry problem. From a UI standpoint, it will look strange to see the first FID disappear, which is why I'm asking if it's possible to *not* hide the first FID.
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Postby elyod_72 » Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:52 am

In an earlier post it was brought up that on the Mac OS X side a second instance of Servoy by launching it in a line command.

What would the line command be?
- Jim Tittle

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Postby Harjo » Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:32 am

you can do that by firing a url:

http://youripaddress:8080/servoy-client ... ution.jnlp

Hope that helps.
Harjo Kompagnie
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Postby jim » Thu Jan 04, 2007 4:39 pm

What is the status of (modal) stackable forms-in-dialog?

Soon? I hope...

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