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Row/Column Background colors Record View and Web client

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:14 am
by john.allen

I'd like to request that the new possibility of having individual columns be highlighted with a background color (like the RowBGcolor) be extended to Record view if possible. My reasoning for it is simple. I like to show as much data from various tables as possible to my datamanagers giving them as 'broad' a view of an individual patient as possible. Most of this data is in record view and the reason for coloring the columns in almost all cases is simply to highlight when a column is empty. (I don't want to make these columns 'not null' because often the data isn't available when the record is created but needs to be filled out when it becomes available). There doesn't really need to be any event attached to these columns as it is really only necessary to highlight when the records shows. On leaving the field or saving the record it would be nice but just a bonus. In a similar way it would be nice if this was possible in the webclient as well. There I am thinking of creating an iPhone application that will show the patients appointments of the day and ideally would highlight those patient columns that have missing data. On a small screen like the iPhone it would help if those columns missing data were highlighted. Again here it would really be about the display of data so no 'on event' tags would need to be tied to those columns.


Re: Row/Column Background colors Record View and Web client

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:04 pm
by jcompagner
do create a case for this if you didnt do that already

But i think you could do this your self also in RecordView

you have a onRecordSelect even that sets all the right colors on the columns when a record is displayed
then onFocusLost events (or data change is maybe better) that checks the data and sets the color of that field to something else (if needed)