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Exporting Eclipse Settings to XML File

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:28 am
by kwpsd
Servoy 5.1

I really like the idea that

    Window -> Preferences -> JavaScript -> Formatter


    Window -> Preferences -> JavaScript -> Editor -> Templates

settings can be exported to an xml file. What would really be great is to be able to export all the settings to an xml file, so that I can easily replicate Servoy installations on all of our computers. Although I can import the Formatter and Editor Templates, I still have to re-key the white space control, syntax coloring, folding, etc. Having all the settings in an xml file would also make things easier when re-installing Servoy or performing a major upgrade.


Re: Exporting Eclipse Settings to XML File

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:43 am
by ptalbot
You can already do that!

Choose menu File > Export.

In the dialog, select General > Preferences.
In the next dialog, choose to export all, give your pref file a name, and there you go.

On another computer, just choose menu File > Import
In the dialog, select General > Preferences.
Point to the epf file and voilĂ !

All the exposed preferences will be saved, and can be restored.

Re: Exporting Eclipse Settings to XML File

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:41 am
by kwpsd
Thanks, Patrick!

I didn't know about this feature. Wish I had known before installing Servoy 5.1 on 5 different computers!

Re: Exporting Eclipse Settings to XML File

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:25 pm
Hi Kim,

Another tip for when you are using multiple workspaces.
When switching to a newly created workspace you don't have all your perspective settings, etc. Sure you can import the *.epf file again but that doesn't restore all your perspectives and views.
An easier way is to switch to the new (or even existing) workspace and copy over all your settings in one big swoop.

menubar > File > Switch Workspace > Other...

Then you get the following dialog where you can select the new workspace directory. Just expand the disclosure triangle and you have 2 more options. One is Copy Settings Workbench Layout. This will copy all your perspective and view settings.

choose workspace.png
choose workspace.png (53.3 KiB) Viewed 3987 times

Only thing I noticed is that the main window resizes to a default size after switching but that's all.
Of course you don't have to use this feature everytime you switch between workspaces, only when you want the settings to be in sync.

Hope this helps.

Re: Exporting Eclipse Settings to XML File

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:02 pm
by kwpsd
Another excellent tip...thanks, Robert!