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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:47 am
by pbakker
The people that supply the JPedal library have altered the manifest file of the library, so if you download the latest version of the jpedalSTD.jar file and place that into your bean folder, you should have access to the PDFEncoder bean again.


PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:58 am
by Dirc
I don't want to open a new topic for it and think it wil be fine in this one:

I can open PDF files hard coded or with an fileopendialog and show them with the jpedalSTD bean in a mediafield. I also got browsing through pages working.

Now I have the following problem (people who read my other posts already know some content): I get an XML form a webservice. THe XML containst lots of data and ends with an encoded PDF file bases on base64.
I decode the base 64 and can write it to a PDF file. No problem at all.

But what I want is decode the PDF, show it to the user and save it on buttonclick or something.

writing to PDF
Code: Select all
encodedByte = plugins.file.writeFile("c:/test.pdf", plugins.it2be_cryptor.Base64decode(vStruct[0].text));

And I want something like:
Code: Select all

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:49 am
by pbakker

Please do not post the same question twice on the forum.


Re: Pdf preview in media fields

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:08 pm
by pmo
OK folks, the link to download the pdf bean does not work.
I am just trying to download the pdf rendering bean so I can view a pdf document stored inside a blob field in mysql.
can anyone specify the direct url to download?
any help would be much appreciated.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:50 am
by Erik Kramer
jcompagner wrote:

Download location changed to: ... jpedal.jar

Re: Pdf preview in media fields

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:22 pm
by lhale
Is the link above for jpedal.jar the lgpl version. I am having issues downloading the jpeda-lgpl.jar from The link above works fine, but I just want to make sure that it is lgpl or open source.

Re: Pdf preview in media fields

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 9:39 am
by cl@muc

Re: Pdf preview in media fields

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:37 am
by a1aurobindo
thanks for the bean fille