Drop Shadows

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Drop Shadows

Postby DFehrenbach » Thu Nov 06, 2003 7:13 pm

You guy's make it very easy to be greedy? :lol: I would LOVE to have the ability to format labels (and maybe other form objects) with drop shadow. I don't know if this is possible now other than duplicating the object, changing the foreground color, re-positioning and grouping. I can do this, but would really save a lot of developer time to be able to select it from a border property option. BTW being able to duplicate a form object by one keystroke (maybe Ctrl-d?) would also be much appreciated. Thanks again for your super product and matching support and openness! :)
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Location: Cleveland, OH

Postby Jan Blok » Thu Nov 06, 2003 11:00 pm

It is not so easy to simulate drop shadow, there are several paramaters:
maybe there are dropshadow label beans availeble on the web.

CTRL-drag in designer is on the planning (=duplicate)
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
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