DevOps with Bitbucket Pipelines - Automated Build and Deploy

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DevOps with Bitbucket Pipelines - Automated Build and Deploy

Postby sbutler » Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:32 pm

Earlier this year we released our Servoy DevOps tools with support for GitHub actions. Since then, we've had several of you request support for Bitbucket Pipelines. Today we announce that is generally available for everyone to use.

The docker image (which is the Bitbucket Pipe) is now public, and able to be used:

There is documentation on usage at ... -pipelines

The example repo showing Servoy WAR build with SFTP is available at ... rc/master/

To use the DevOps tools you'll need a license key which you can get at and each purchase comes with some free support hours from us to help get your project up and running.
Scott Butler
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Re: DevOps with Bitbucket Pipelines - Automated Build and De

Postby vik.lamp.vl » Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:23 am

Thanks alot!
Thats one of the things we experimented with. It will help us alot.

Great work!
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Re: DevOps with Bitbucket Pipelines - Automated Build and De

Postby vik.lamp.vl » Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:07 am

Hey Scott,

i had time to tinker and test your bitbucket pipeline this week.
What can i say, it works perfectly! Thanks alot for this :)

I just had to edit one line in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml
Code: Select all
- pipe: docker://itechpros/servoy-war-builder:latest
Code: Select all
i got the error "cant find servoy version" or somthing like that.
Switched it to
Code: Select all
and it just works.

Plus i edited the yml file some more that only specific branches gets build, so that it wont run on every commit we are doing.

Have a great weekend and looking forward to test out the auto-deploy feature when it releases.

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Re: DevOps with Bitbucket Pipelines - Automated Build and De

Postby paul_bromwell » Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:07 pm

Hey Vik!

Glad you got it working in your BitBucket environment!

Regarding the Docker image versions, the reason why it was throwing an error for "0.1.11" and not for "latest" is because we have a mapping in the code for available Servoy versions (to know where to download it from), and Servoy version 2023.09.1.3903 wasn't in that mapping, so it threw an error. I've added that version to the available versions for Docker image "0.2.0". You can find documentation for that in our KnowledgeBase article on the WAR exporter: ... y_Versions

We try to keep people off of "latest" just in case we introduce an error that isn't caught by our plethora of unit tests. If you use the tagged version, you won't have to worry about bugged versions going forward. Just a recommendation.

Also in that version, we added the POST_WAR_EXTRAS_FOLDER option, which allows you to add files into the WAR after the WAR is built (say, to inject Jasper Reports, for example), so if that fits your use case, please feel free to give it a go!


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