FileMaker to Servoy Conversion Service

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FileMaker to Servoy Conversion Service

Postby amcgilly » Thu May 03, 2012 7:34 am

FM_to_Servoy_vert.png (37.73 KiB) Viewed 3460 times


Since I began working with Servoy in 2006 I have come across many organizations that use FileMaker but would like to move their application to a more modern, standard platform like Servoy. Typically these organizations look at the overall cost and complexity of rewriting their application in a new platform and decide it's best to stick with what they have.

Over the past couple years McGilly Information Systems has had the privilege of working on a number of FileMaker to Servoy conversions and we've developed tools and expertise in that area. We have learned what applications are good candidates for conversion and which are not. We have learned how to better estimate the time and cost of a conversion project. We have worked closely with the makers of FMPro Migrator, a tool which automates large portions of the conversion, and we have added further automation on our own. Together with this tool we can now automate all of the following conversion processes:

  • FM Database -> SQL Database
  • FM Layouts -> Servoy Forms
  • FM Table Occurrences -> Servoy Related Foundsets
  • FM Valuelists -> Servoy Valuelists
  • FM Calcs -> Servoy Calcs*
  • FM Summary Fields -> Servoy Aggregations
  • FM Auto-Enter Properties -> Servoy Auto-Enter Properties
  • FM Globals -> Servoy Globals
  • FM Custom Functions -> Servoy Methods

    * Given the heavy reliance of most FM apps on calcs, automated Calc Conversion is a big deal. It represents a huge time savings over converting calcs manually. It also converts FM Custom Functions into Servoy Methods. At this time we are the only company we know of that offers this.

We are interested in providing this conversion service to more organizations and are looking for potential conversion projects. For a more complete description of our FileMaker to Servoy conversion service please visit this page on our website. There you will also find an overview of the advantages we see in Servoy over FileMaker.

For more information about McGilly Information Systems, please visit To contact me directly please send a private message through this forum or use the contact form on our website.

Thank you.
Adrian McGilly
Servoy Developer

Posts: 375
Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:03 am
Location: San Francisco, CA

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