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ExportMaker - Also Does Reports

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:17 am
by bcusick

I have created a little 16kb free unprotected Servoy solution named ExportMaker, which anyone can download and use as they wish. My intention was to create a solution that would allow quick and easy creation of reports and the export of data in common formats.

The solution can be downloaded at:

A short Flash movie that demonstrates the features of the solution can be viewed at:

As the movie shows, templates can be saved to disk and retrieved. By default they are saved with a ".doc" extension, however, they can be saved with any extension. The extension does not matter. The only reason I used the ".doc" extension was to make the template files easy to email. Today I added the ability to save the templates to a table, which is included in the download, but is not shown in the flash movie.

The solution's name is ExportMaker.servoy. I think Windows Explorer might try to name it when the "Save As..." dialog comes up.

It is setup to work with the Servoy 3.1 build 404 sample files. However, it should work with other solutions if you repoint the server name (when importing the solution) to one that is used in your solution.

The solution has only been tested with small record sets (ie. 5,000 records or less). I suspect that it will be much slower with larger record sets, and may even run out of memory. High ASCII characters may also cause problems. All comments and suggestions for improving the solution are welcome.

Dean Westover

Re: ExportMaker - Also Does Reports

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:29 am
by Gordon
bcusick wrote:This is from DEAN WESTOVER from CHOICES SOFTWARE:

I have created a little 16kb free unprotected Servoy solution named ExportMaker, which anyone can download and use as they wish. My intention was to create a solution that would allow quick and easy creation of reports and the export of data in common formats.

Thanks Dean !!!!!

I appreciate the work you have done and can see an immediate use for this potential module !


Re: ExportMaker - Also Does Reports

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:58 pm
by Riccardino
bcusick wrote:This is from DEAN WESTOVER from CHOICES SOFTWARE:

Thanks for sharing, Dean: very useful stuff :-)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:40 pm
by Westy
The above ExportMaker download link is for use with Servoy 3.1. Below is the same solution for Servoy 2.2.x. I've tried it with Servoy 2.2.1-build 333 and Servoy 2.2.7-build 339, and it seems to work fine with both. The solution includes one small three column table named "ch_exportmaker" that contains sample data. The sample data works with the Servoy example_data database. When trying the solution, if during solution import there is no "example_data", just select a different server connection when asked: ... 2.x.servoy

Dean Westover

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:00 pm
by LOGIsoft
Hi Dean,

The link is no longer available :cry: - is there another way to download the solution?



PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:57 am
by martinh

I think your ip-address has changed.
Do you have an URL without ip-address?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:10 pm
by LOGIsoft
Hi Martin,

Dean kindly made his solution available for download again - see here:

