What is a good alternative for imap inbox parsing?

Questions and answers on developing, deploying and using plugins and JavaBeans

What is a good alternative for imap inbox parsing?

Postby Mark Voorboom » Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:26 pm

Hi All,

We are currently using the Mailpro plugin for parsing a INBOX (helpdesk@customer.com) and this is not always stable. For some unknown reason new messages are sometimes skipped and then it's unclear what the exact reason is. With this solution we are also not in control because often these email servers and imap accounts are managed by external system-administrators and they don't understand these issues.

Does anyone have experience with alternatives for IMAP integrations? For example INBOX rest api's?

Thnx in advance.

Best regards, Mark
Stb Software Development
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Re: What is a good alternative for imap inbox parsing?

Postby mboegem » Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:54 am

Hi Mark,

have used a similar approach in the past.
If I recall correctly I could reproduce these kind issues as soon as a 2nd client messed with the same mailbox.
Only way out at that point is to unregister an register the listener again.

Don't have any experience with another solution, although there are node-js libraries that can connect to IMAP.
Within NG-client it shouldn't be rocket science to make a service plugin out of this, although it will be unsure wether you'll hit the same issues or not.

Good luck!
Marc Boegem
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