QuickBooks/Finance Plug-in Beta Released

Questions and answers on developing, deploying and using plugins and JavaBeans

QuickBooks/Finance Plug-in Beta Released

Postby ProlificAxis » Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:17 am

I have released the first beta of my QuickBooks plug-in, now called the Finance Plug-in. My goal is to wrap the entire QB API by providing methods for every possible request/response. A large portion of the code is procedurally generated, so it updates itself as QuickBooks changes it's API. This should make keeping up with any future API changes fast and simple. I'll have the Finance Server (for remote connection, cross-platform clients) up and available soon.
It also plugs into international and online editions easily but I have not yet released those bindings. It aaddresses the problem some people were having with 64-bit Java and the current Quickbooks SDK and available integrators by providing a 32-bit tunnel. This plug-in will require no additional third party libraries or runtime licensing. One developer license will allow you to deploy and distribute as many solutions as you wish, much like other Servoy plug-ins.

Download and Method list are located here:

If you're interested, try it out and give me your feedback and ideas!
I have a lot of changes coming soon, so check my site for updates.


Grady O'Connell
Prolific Axis, LLC
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:18 am

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