Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

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Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby Andrei Costache » Thu May 01, 2014 7:43 pm

We are pleased to announce a new version of the Servoy JasperReports Plugin: v.5.0.0.a1.

Please see the ServoyForge corresponding plugin wiki section for details.

For the ones using the plugin source code (and who have not recently updated), please note that v.5.0.0a1 is now head/trunk and the 4.x version of the plugin has a corresponding branch.

Have fun testing. We await your feedback!

Best regards,
Andrei Costache
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby kwpsd » Fri May 02, 2014 8:32 pm


Since iReports is being deprecated in 2015, is Servoy planning to include Jaspersoft Studio as an installable item (under the 'Help -> Install New Software... -> Work with:' pull-down selection list) where it would become another Perspective to the Servoy Eclipse platform?
Kim W. Premuda
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby Thomas Parry » Sun May 04, 2014 4:48 am

Why wait?
Use this link to add new software to the servoy installation:
Alternatively download the stand alone version from
Works for me.
Tom Parry
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby kwpsd » Mon May 05, 2014 7:57 pm

Hi, Tom.

I hope you are doing well.

I installed the stand-alone version of JasperReports Studio, and it works fine. However, I tried to install it as an update to the Servoy Eclipse by following the 'update' link you gave, but the link does not resolve properly:

An error has been encountered in accessing this page.

1. Server:
2. URL path: /updates/
3. Error notes: NONE
4. Error type: 403
5. Request method: GET
6. Request query string: NONE
7. Time: 2014-05-05 17:48:57 UTC (1399312137)

If I try, I get redirected to the JasperReports community page, and I could find no mention of the update there. Is there another way to accomplish this?
Kim W. Premuda
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby Thomas Parry » Mon May 05, 2014 9:24 pm

The way I installed it in Servoy is as follows in the developer:
Help | Install new Software...
Click on Add button to add a new site.
The popup dialog "Add Repository" shows:
Give it a name e.g. "JasperStudioReports" or whatever you prefer.
Specify the location as
Code: Select all

Then OK to close this dialog.
Check/select the box after the "Business Intelligence, Reporting Tools" show up under the Name area.
Then continue with next button etc.

Works fine with me (using Servoy 7.4 and Windows 7)
Tom Parry
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby jasantana » Mon May 05, 2014 9:25 pm

Kim, are you using the URL in the browser?

What you have to do is launch Servoy Developer, then :

Forum0001.png (91.35 KiB) Viewed 10959 times

and use the URL in the dialog box that appears.
Best regards,
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby jasantana » Mon May 05, 2014 9:30 pm

Wow Thomas I guess we replied at the same time !!
Best regards,
Juan Antonio Santana Medina
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby kwpsd » Mon May 05, 2014 10:56 pm

Kim, are you using the URL in the browser?

Yes, that is what I was doing. I didn't catch the link difference in Tom's original reply. I used the 'update' link in the Eclipse 'install new software' section, and it installed correctly.

Thank you both for your help!
Kim W. Premuda
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby Thomas Parry » Tue May 06, 2014 2:29 pm

Remember that for any new Servoy install you will have to add Eclipse plugins like this each time.
Sorry not to have made the explanation more clear.
Let us know of issues using the studio.
One of the first that I had was to specify the correct "datasource adapter" when I pulled in a iReport (jrxml) file.
Tom Parry
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby kwpsd » Tue May 06, 2014 6:18 pm

Sorry not to have made the explanation more clear.

My fault...not yours. I misinterpreted the information you gave.

Thanks again for all the help!
Kim W. Premuda
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby mboegem » Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:30 pm

Hi all,

This is a crosspost from:

Just curious what's the status on version 5.00a
It's alpha for nearly a year now:
are people using this version?
are there any blocking issues?

@Servoy: what's the roadmap?
Marc Boegem
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby lwjwillemsen » Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:38 pm

yeah, and what about on (urgent) Jasper report plugin issues follow up ?
Lambert Willemsen
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby kwpsd » Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:06 pm

Hi, Marc.

I tried to use 5.00a a few months ago but found it buggy regarding sub-reports and graphics and, consequently, reverted to version 4.0.2.

I, too, am somewhat dismayed at the slow pace of revision to the Jasper Report plugin but attribute it to the workload of getting Servoy 8 up and running along with the recent personnel changes. I don't think the Jasper Report plugin is officially supported by Servoy...but, in my opinion, it should be as many seem to use it. It would be nice to see regular updates to this plugin.
Kim W. Premuda
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby Harjo » Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:10 am

+1 !
Harjo Kompagnie
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Re: Servoy JasperReports Plugin version 5.0.0 alpha1

Postby lwjwillemsen » Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:27 am


Clear example of the downside of open sourcing of a (much used) plugin...
Lambert Willemsen
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