checkout the new opensource Google2 (calendar) plugin

Questions and answers on developing, deploying and using plugins and JavaBeans

checkout the new opensource Google2 (calendar) plugin

Postby Harjo » Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:19 pm

Please checkout the new opensource Google2 plugin (supporting Google Calendar API v3)
It's awesome! :D

MANY thanks to Patrick Ruhsert, for his contribution on this one!
Harjo Kompagnie
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Re: checkout the new opensource Google2 (calendar) plugin

Postby Gordon McLean » Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:09 pm

Hi Harjo/Patrick

Firstly thank you for taking the time to develop this plugin and contributing it to the servoyforge community its much appreciated

Unfortunately I have fallen at the first hurdle with installation and think it may be down to clarification of some of the docs specifically

1) Is the application name described as the project ID by Google ? OR is it the project name top left of the console ?
2) When you create the new Client ID am I correct in thinking you select Web Application (I am using web client)
3) What should be specified as the redirect URL and Javascript origins the servoy home directory ??

What I am currently getting from the following code is a <null> from sURL and predictably a wrapped java.lang error


function testCalendar() {
var applicationName = 'MyProjectName';
var clientID = '';
var clientSecret = 'BigSecret_yZJkgyA-Yx';

var sURL = plugins.Google2.setupApplication(applicationName,clientID,clientSecret);
Gordon McLean
Gordon McLean
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