ServoyUpdater server_identifier

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ServoyUpdater server_identifier

Postby » Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:52 am

We have installed the ServoyUpdater plugin at several clients, so more than 1 Servoy application server is looking to the same ftp directory to check for updates. We try to set the property "'servoy_updater_server_identifier". According to the wiki this property is meant to give a unique name to the directory created on the ftp to write the update results to for that particular server. But after the applicationserver restart to make the changes effective it defaults to some uuid number that is always the same. And what makes it worse: this number is the same for all the clients. Can anyone tell me what we are doing wrong?
Jos Uitenbogaard
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Re: ServoyUpdater server_identifier

Postby patrick » Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:49 am

You are setting the identifier through servoy-admin? That seems to be a small bug. What happens is this: the update will create its own properties file ( after the first server start if not already present. It will override the properties from the file and when you go to servoy-admin, present you the ones found in But: when you edit a property, it's written to but not to That will again be overriden with the ones found in after a restart.

I will fix this for the next release.

For the time being, you can shutdown the server and set whatever value you like manually in and start the server again.

The reason for the file is that it allows you to distribute different updater settings to different servers independently from the
Patrick Ruhsert
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Re: ServoyUpdater server_identifier

Postby » Thu Jan 08, 2015 9:19 am

Thanks Patrick,

But we abandoned the updater project. It doesn't work reliable. Sometimes it updates but most of the the time it doesn't and we can't get any clue of the reasons why it doesn't work.

Thanks anyway

Jos Uitenbogaard
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