Viewer Object in web-client with VelocityReport Plugin

Questions and answers on developing, deploying and using plugins and JavaBeans

Viewer Object in web-client with VelocityReport Plugin

Postby nisalaperera » Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:10 pm

I have used the VelocityReport Plugin with Servoy 7.4.

Can we get the viewer object (like pop-up in smart-client) in web-client?

pop-up in smart-client
preview.png (56.09 KiB) Viewed 2363 times

I have tried as follows.

Code: Select all
   var template = "quotation.html";
   var previewParams = {
      showToolBar: true,
      useSaveLocalPDF : true,
      usePrint : true,
      useFontZoom : false,
      useTogglePaginated: false,
      showStatus: false,
      openInPaginated : true,
      bounds : [-1, -1, 870, 600],
      verticalScrollbar : plugins.VelocityReport.PREVIEW.VSCROLLBAR_ASNEEDED
   var context = new Object();
   context.title = 'Testing';
   context.body_content = '<h1>TESTING</h1>';

   if(application.getApplicationType() == APPLICATION_TYPES.WEB_CLIENT) {
      plugins.VelocityReport.previewReport(template, context, viewerSaveCallback, 'HTML');
   else {
      plugins.VelocityReport.previewReport(template, context, 'HTML');

And I have tried with changing the webMode.
Code: Select all
plugins.VelocityReport.previewReport(template, context, viewerSaveCallback, 'PDF');

Please advice.
Nisala Perera
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Posts: 16
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Re: Viewer Object in web-client with VelocityReport Plugin

Postby ptalbot » Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:27 pm

Basically no, because it's a java window.
So Velocity shows the preview as HTML in a browser window instead, or returns a PDF.
Nothing prevents you to put the HTML from a report inside your own window and add buttons yourself though.
Patrick Talbot
Freelance - Open Source - Servoy Valued Professional
Velocity rules! If you don't use it, you don't know what you're missing!
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