Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

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Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby Juan Etec » Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:56 am

Good morning all.
I've just imported my smart client solution into a new Servoy 8.0.2 installation.
Where are the beans??
I have a few forms using the beans JavaFX, DNDbean and treeview. This what I get (see the attached image) when I open a form.
What I show in the attached image is from an old form that say that bean not supported for NGClient.
If I want to put a bean on a new form where are them?
Is that the expected behaviour?
Thanks in advance
Imagen 1.png
Imagen 1.png (81.03 KiB) Viewed 8358 times
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Re: Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby Juan Etec » Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:39 am

another curiosity is that in developer the servoy-treewiew bean works perfectly in smart-client.

I put this case in servoyforge:
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Re: Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby Juan Etec » Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:25 pm

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Re: Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby Gabi Boros » Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:33 pm

beans created for Servoy are not supported in the new NG client;
for the tree beans there are new NG web components under the 'Servoy Extra' package, that simulates
(but not completely, yet) the functionalities of the 'old' beans
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Re: Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby Andrei Costescu » Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:06 pm

I guess the problem here is that the editor shouldn't complain about them as those are valid SC beans used in a SC solution. Right?
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Re: Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby Juan Etec » Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:30 pm

what I try to say is using servoy8 for smart client.
Servoy8 have tree types of client (smart, web and Ng), I thougth that servoy8 for smart client works like servoy 7.
In servoy8 there is no documentation which say that servoy8 doesn't used the bean for smart-client.
In developer using smart-client work fine.

Yes, I want use the bean only for smart-client.
In developer I couldn't find them (the old one of course).

They works fine for developer but not for server (for smart-client) implementation.

Thanks for your interesting
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Re: Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby jcompagner » Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:09 am

The new editor will not support this, you have to switch to the old smartclient editor for this (you can do this currently in the preferences)

In 8.1 we have an option to do this in the editor itself and it will remember for that form which editor it should open, so you can mix/match, forms for SC with SC/WC beans you open in the old editor
and things you really make for NG you let those open in the new editor
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Re: Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby Juan Etec » Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:53 am

Thanks Johan,
I found it in Preference -> Servoy -> Form editor -> Use classic form editor for regular forms.
I answer half of my question.

The another things is that the beans ( in my case JavaFX, DNDbean and treeview) doesn't work when the solution is installed in servoy8.0.2 server but they works in developer 8.0.2.
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Re: Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby Juan Etec » Tue Apr 12, 2016 10:22 am

I have created a case in servoy for that second question.
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Re: Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby jcompagner » Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:11 pm

please test with 8.0.3

If that is still the case i think we need more info, because as far as i know there are people using that just fine.
And Smart client/server is not really changed that much from 7 to 8
There shouldn't be any difference between them. what does you java console say when starting up a smart client?
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Re: Servoy 8 smart client Where are the beans??

Postby Juan Etec » Wed Apr 13, 2016 9:05 am

Hi Johan,
Works fine with 8.0.3 !!!

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