Number parameter (type) submission to JasperReports

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Number parameter (type) submission to JasperReports

Postby imre_tokai » Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:25 pm


.jrxml code base properly accepts numbers submitted by Servoy6 project, but with + Servoy8 number parameters require type cast work-around?

Imre Tokai, Software Engineer
iTech Professionals, Inc.
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Re: Number parameter (type) submission to JasperReports

Postby Gabi Boros » Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:44 am


I did some tests with passing a global integer as param to jasper, like :
Code: Select all
plugins.jasperPluginRMI.runReport(ds,"report1.jrxml", null, plugins.jasperPluginRMI.OUTPUT_FORMAT.VIEW, {age: globals.age});

and then, declared the param in the jrxml like a java.lang.Integer, using it to output and it did worked ...

can you give us a sample with the issue, so we can see exactly how that param is used in the jrxml (I guess it is used for filtering ?), and maybe also the db.
you may create a case for that in the Servoy support system
Gabi Boros
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Re: Number parameter (type) submission to JasperReports

Postby Harjo » Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:49 am

that type cast issue, seems to return always in point of time..
We have always used (and still use) hashmaps, because that never failed!
Harjo Kompagnie
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Re: Number parameter (type) submission to JasperReports

Postby imre_tokai » Tue May 17, 2016 1:29 pm

Thanks Gabi & Harjo,

In Servoy 8 developer, changed the plugin to 4.-like version, same that's used with Servoy 6.1, but same type cast problem remains. So implication is that this problem is not with plugin but with slight type upgrade in Servoy 8's MSSQL DB interpretation, that causes incompatibility, as far as I see.

Now changed back to (latest) and investigating elsewhere, to figure out if still can remain with single codebase or mentioned work-around is obligatory.
Unable to simply sort-out the problem in sample solution, as Servoy's INTEGER is set run-time from MSSQL DB

Imre Tokai, Software Engineer
iTech Professionals, Inc.
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