Servoy Plugins from Patrick Linux console installation

Questions and answers on developing, deploying and using plugins and JavaBeans

Servoy Plugins from Patrick Linux console installation

Postby Roberto Blasco » Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:01 am

Hi all.

I'm trying to install Servoy Plugins form Patrick G. Ruhsert in a Linux System with no graphical interface (in a terminal)

Code: Select all
java -jar -console

but plugins are not intalled, just the folder drmaison-lib. Do I have to add any parameter in the above command? If I do the same with graphical interface, installation works fine.

Best Regards. Roberto Blasco.
Un saludo. Roberto.

Madrid - Spain
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Roberto Blasco
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Re: Servoy Plugins from Patrick Linux console installation

Postby patrick » Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:17 am

I have no idea. Maybe a permission problem?

As a workaround you could simply install on any computer into any folder and copy the resulting files to your Linux machine...
Patrick Ruhsert
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Re: Servoy Plugins from Patrick Linux console installation

Postby Roberto Blasco » Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:57 am

You're right Patrick, it was something related with permissions.

I've already fixed :-)

Thanks a lot for your answer. BTW .... excellent work with the plugins :D

Best regards. Roberto Blasco.
Un saludo. Roberto.

Madrid - Spain
Tfno: (+34) 625653066
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Roberto Blasco
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