Upgraded version 5 of our Data Plug-in available now

Questions and answers on developing, deploying and using plugins and JavaBeans

Upgraded version 5 of our Data Plug-in available now

Postby IT2Be » Fri Jul 01, 2016 8:14 am


I am happy to announce a new release (version 5) of our Data Plug-in!

For those of you that do not use the Data Plug-in, you can:

- read Excel sheets as a 'regular' Servoy DataSet
- create and edit Excel sheets using arrays, 'regular' DataSets or our custom FormattedDataSet.
- set cell, column and row formatting
- set borders
- add formula's
- and a lot more...

And you can do all this without the need to have MS Excel installed

Additionally you can work with (a subset of) CSV, DBF, XML and TXT documents.

You can read more about the Data Plug-in here.

The Plug-in now makes use of the latest version of Aspose again.

Unfortunately we had to decide that this version is a paid upgrade of the 'old' Data Plug-in.
The costs of maintenance are at a level that we had to raise the price for the component as well as for the maintenance.

If you want to trial this new version of the Data Plug-in you can use the (last version of the) Components Manager.
You can also use it to request a trail license.

However, if you have a license already, I have to create a trial license manually so please create a ticket here if that applies to you.
Marcel J.G. Trapman (IT2BE)
SAN partner - Freelance Java and Servoy
Servoy Components - IT2BE Plug-ins and Beans for Servoy
ServoyForge - Open Source Components for Servoy
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