Java FX

Questions and answers on developing, deploying and using plugins and JavaBeans

Java FX

Postby ellenmeserow » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:56 pm

I am trying to simply load a web page into Servoy Smart Client, and I've imported the JavaFX modules into my solution, set the property for javafx to true, am using Servoy 7.4, and I can't get it to execute. The error starts with:

Code: Select all
TypeError: Cannot find function removeAllTabs in object com.servoy.extensions.beans.jfxpanel.ServoyJFXPanel[webView,0,0,1680x920,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=218104096,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=]. (C:\Users\meserow\servoy_workspace74\svyJFXWebView\svyJFXWebView.js#75)
TypeError: Cannot find function removeAllTabs in object com.servoy.extensions.beans.jfxpanel.ServoyJFXPanel[webView,0,0,1680x920,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=218104096,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=]. (C:\Users\meserow\servoy_workspace74\svyJFXWebView\svyJFXWebView.js#75)
   at C:\Users\meserow\servoy_workspace74\svyJFXWebView\svyJFXWebView.js:75 (WebViewPanel)
   at C:\Users\meserow\servoy_workspace74\svyJFXWebView\forms\JFXWebViewPanel.js:660 (TryMingle)
   at C:\Users\meserow\servoy_workspace74\svyJFXWebView\forms\JFXWebViewPanel.js:650 (onShow)

When I comment off the removeAllTabs line and the one behind it, it errors elsewhere, but then seems to report working:

Code: Select all
ERROR TypeError: Cannot call method "setScene" of undefined
TypeError: Cannot call method "setScene" of undefined
   at C:\Users\meserow\servoy_workspace74\svyJFXWebView\forms\JFXWebViewPanel.js:130
DEBUG load executed
DEBUG State Changed: SUCCEEDED > READY (location: )
DEBUG webEngineReady: false
DEBUG DocumentProperty Changed: [object HTMLDocument] >
DEBUG State Changed: READY > SCHEDULED (location:
DEBUG webEngineReady: false
DEBUG State Changed: SCHEDULED > RUNNING (location:
DEBUG webEngineReady: false
DEBUG DocumentProperty Changed:  > [object HTMLDocument]
DEBUG State Changed: RUNNING > SUCCEEDED (location:
DEBUG webEngineReady: true

Anyone been through this? This is just code that comes with the module.
ellen escarcega (formerly meserow)
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Re: Java FX

Postby marco.rossi » Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:37 pm

Hi Ellen!

I just suggest you to don't use that Servoy Solution.
I met the same problems on the svyJFXWebView so I have drop it.
Use it just as reference.

However the JFXPanel Bean included within Servoy works very well.

I have used it to embed very nice charts like the one you can find here: "" and all works fine (except 3D charts but this is another story..)


Marco Rossi
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Re: Java FX

Postby ellenmeserow » Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:56 pm

Marco -- Can you share the code that you got to work to load that URL?
ellen escarcega (formerly meserow)
meserow design
Servoy 2019 9
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