Jasperreport 6.3.1

Questions and answers on developing, deploying and using plugins and JavaBeans

Jasperreport 6.3.1

Postby alk » Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:45 pm

I use
Jasperstudio 6.3.1.
Jasper plugin 6.3.1.
Postgres DB 9.5

I do have some problems to display images:

If I run a report with the direct connection to the postgres-database everything works fine, including
a) one image "bibname.jpg" form the Jasper workbench is displayed in the 'Title'
b) displaying an imagefield "cover_klein" = a media field in my Postgres DB is displayed in the 'detail section'

But: if I choose "one empty record" instead of a direct connection to the DB ( to use a foundset in Servoy),
there is a connection,
some fields are displayed,
a) I got a warning that the image "bibname" is not found (okay, in my case I can hardcode the location) and
b) something went wrong with the media-field "cover_klein",
I get this message:
[B cannot be cast to java.awt.Image
Wrapped java.lang.Exception: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRExpressionEvalException: Error evaluating expression for source text: $F{cover_klein} (F:\Eigene Dateien\servoy_workspace_bib\BIB_Basic\forms\frm_titel.js#45)

The field "cover_klein" is coded in jasper as "java.awt.Image"

Any idea what went wrong??

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