Hi all,
I am very new to Tomcat/Java/Servoy as I started just 3 weeks ago for my new employer. My only experience with Java was compiling my sons "own minecraft server" years ago...
I am not a developer, I'm more the technical guy who needs to install the Tomcat environments and start them with the WAR-files in the right directory.
::Not all bean files are cached locally::
So I was confronted with my first task "Install and make our app work on a newer release of Tomcat 9"
There seems to be a hickup when getting higher than Tomcat 9.0.22 using Servoy 8.2.2 as environment.
I skipped a lot of versions (tested them, but all have problems) ending up with Tomcat 9.0.45 and 46 which I both have working with the app, but the catch is:
In the client cache directory .servoy, there are 20 bean-files missing compared to the same solution running on Tomcat 9.0.6
Just simply copying the missing bean-files from the old cache to the new makes the application run smoothly.
When deleting all java cache, deleting the .servoy client cache, deleting the application directories in webapps leaving the WAR-files for a fresh install on the Tomcat environment and restarting Tomcat, starting the application,...
Still the client cache ".servoy/libCache/XYZWhatever/Applicationname/beans" only gets 2 bean files downloaded from the original 22 in the 9.0.6 installation.
Why would it skip 20 of them?
It only caches jpedal-lgpl-4.70b22.jar and HTMLEditorEnterprise.jar.
There is a "main.jnlp" written in cache containing a resource overview of the lib, beans, lafs, plugins. And it is 3Kb less than the original environment as it only lists 2 beans instead of 22.
These beans "seem to be signed" (I have no knowledge about this) and the beans.properties file on the server in appname/beans seems to contain the same values before the colon. (E.g. HTMLEditorEnterprise.jar=1605814392837:18273 is also mentioned in main.jnlp)
So basically, only the Tomcat environment is updated. Why would it be not downloading all the beans?
Where do I need to look?