Using https for velocity report.serverURL

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Using https for velocity report.serverURL

Postby huber » Fri Feb 18, 2022 5:54 pm


We are using VelocityReport to display statistical diagram graphics like BoxPlots, and other diagrams. On the Servoy Server Admin > Server Plugins page we have for velocityreport.serverURL the entry http://<domain>:8080
The application itself is called with https:// …

Firefox displays a warning in the URL, showing a lock with a (yellow) warning sign, pointing to a mixed mode (content) for the page, but shows the image correctly.
Chrome and Edge don't show the image, instead show a "broken image frame". Chrome converts the velocityreport.serverURL http "automatically" to https://… /eastwodd/chart? …

The solutions seems to us using https for the velocityreport.serverURL. Can we use https in the velocityreport.serverURL and how?

Are there other solutions to this problem? Thanks for any hint.

Robert Huber
7r AG, Switzerland
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Re: Using https for velocity report.serverURL

Postby ptalbot » Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:51 am

If you can call the application via https://domain:port/ (meaning you either have a certificate installed on your application server or you are using a proxy with a certificate installed on that proxy that points to your servoy application), then you can certainly use https://domain:port/ in servoy-admin for velocityreport.serverURL
Patrick Talbot
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Re: Using https for velocity report.serverURL

Postby huber » Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:15 am

Patrick, thanks for your answer. To be more precise, the upstream proxy server handles the https call to start the application on the Tomcat. In the zone where Tomcat runs, there is no https. So we are wondering if the proxy server can "convert" the call for Velocity or whether we have to enable the web app Eastwood with SSL or may be Tomcat itself with SSL? Any hint on how one would do that or a reference to a documentation are welcome.

Robert Huber
7r AG, Switzerland
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Re: Using https for velocity report.serverURL

Postby rieder » Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:58 am

We did find a solution: We set the Server URL of Velocity to the internal IP and Port. When retrieving an <image> in the application from velocity we replace this URL in the source of the image with the external address (https://Domainname) for NG Clients only. The proxy server is configured to translate/forward these calls (https://domain) to the internal server to get the image. Smart clients, which run in-house only (proxy is not involved), are untouched.
Birgit Rieder
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