IT2BE Exchagne and Servoy 2022.03 LTS URGENT

Questions and answers on developing, deploying and using plugins and JavaBeans

IT2BE Exchagne and Servoy 2022.03 LTS URGENT

Postby derk.hulshof » Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:59 am

Hi all,
I updated our production server from 2021 LTS to 2022.03 LTS.
Now in developer everything works well.

When creating the WAR file it is warning about duplicate .jar files

In 2021 I delete the standar jcifs.jar form the lib directory and the mail works well.

Now The mail is not sent. Can some one tell me how and which .jar files to overrule to get the IT2BE exhange(ws) lib to work.
I cant find anything about it.

The obly logging is that it is warned me about a throwable when the the Mail.Send() is called

Hopefully someone can help me out here.
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Re: IT2BE Exchagne and Servoy 2022.03 LTS URGENT

Postby antonio » Sat Jan 07, 2023 2:33 am

Hi Derk,
I believe the IT2BE components are managed by the folks at iTech Professionals
Try their support pages at
Servoy 8 - 2022.03 LTS
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