Which version to use?

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Which version to use?

Postby rieder » Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:51 pm


In Servoy Wiki we read "Please make sure you are using the Jasper plugin version that matches the Servoy version".
Which version of the Jasper Plugin should we use for Servoy 2023.12.1? We only find 2022 versions of the plugin.

And for 2022 version the jasper reports library 6.20.0 is needed. But there is no Jaspersoft Studio Version 6.20 available online.

Thanks for any help.
Birgit Rieder
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Re: Which version to use?

Postby robert.edelmann » Thu Feb 15, 2024 5:34 pm

I'm successfully using the 6.20.0 Version of the plugin with 2023.12.2, so this should work.

Regarding the Version of Jasper Studio, it seems that Jaspersoft only shows their current version for download, so you could use that. You can set the compatibility to 6.20 in the Preferences under JasperSoft Studio.

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Re: Which version to use?

Postby rieder » Thu Feb 15, 2024 6:18 pm

Hi Robert

Thank you for the answer and information to your configuration.

With 6.20.0 Version of the plugin in Servoy 2023.12.1 we can successfully run reports, created with Jaspersoft Studio 6.12.2 and compiled with the library 6.19.
But we read, that we should use library 6.20. And there is only Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.1 available for download. And in there, no older lib for compatibility to select than 6.21.

What version of Jaspersoft Studio do you use? Would you say, we can stay with 6.12.2 and lib 6.19?

Regards and liebe Grüsse
Birgit Rieder
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Re: Which version to use?

Postby robert.edelmann » Thu Feb 15, 2024 7:22 pm

Ah, you are using the compiled files? We just ship the jrxml-files and use those. In that case you can just chose a lower compatibility than 6.20.0 and it should work.

I have no experience when shipping compiled reports, perhaps someone else has more infos about that.
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Re: Which version to use?

Postby mboegem » Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:12 am

Hi Birgit,

I also just ship the jrxml files with my solution, which works just fine.
In case you really want to go with compiled files, you can compile them using the compile function in the Jasper plugin.
Marc Boegem
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Re: Which version to use?

Postby rieder » Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:38 pm

Hi Marc

Thank you too. I actually didn't know, we could ship the source files :o . We always compile them with Jasper Soft Studio.

What would the advantage of source files be?
  • Are there fewer dependency problems between Jaspersoft Studio (library to compile) and the Servoy Plugins lib, since the sources are less different?
  • Are the sources interpreted by the plugin or compiled?
  • What about speed?

Thank you both again and best regards
Birgit Rieder
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Re: Which version to use?

Postby robert.edelmann » Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:27 am

When using the sources, the versions of the Jaspersoft Studio doesn't really matter much, we had some really old reports, that still did work.

The main advantage is for us that some self-hosting customers can create and modify their own reports if they can access the report-folder, since we scan the file system for report-files.

If you ship source reports, the files are always interpreted, if you have compiled files in the same directory the compiled files are used.

I didn't see any slowdowns when using the source files.
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Re: Which version to use?

Postby darren » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:56 am


Sorry to tag on to this post, but my question is fairly relevant. We're calling our Jasper Reports like so:

Code: Select all
plugins.jasperPluginRMI.runReport( goFieldsDS, sJasperTemplate, null, plugins.jasperPluginRMI.OUTPUT_FORMAT.PDF, oParams );

Where sJasperTemplate is set to the .jrxml file name.

I tried adding the .jasper file to the storage folder and removing the .jrxml file, however I'm just getting a "report.jrxml file is not found" error.

According to what Robert alluded to above, and the docs (https://github.com/Servoy/servoy_jasper ... he-plug-in), the second parameter, the sJasperTemplate in our case:
1. Name of report (“rptName.jrxml” OR “rptName.jasper”)
2. If a jrxml file is supplied, it will run the .jasper file first; if the .jasper file does not exist, it will try to compile the report into memory.

So I was expecting the .jasper file to be used, even though we're pointing to a .jrxml file. Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding the instructions. I will try pointing to the .jasper file name, however that will have to wait until our next release. So thought I would ask here first.

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Re: Which version to use?

Postby mboegem » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:28 pm

Hi Darren,

according to the error message you are describing, the template name you are passing into the function is myReport.jrxml
in that case the plugin will be looking for the jrxml file, which - if I understood correctly - is the file you deleted and replaced by myReport.jasper
This makes the error message valid, because the file simply doesn't exist.

Whether to use .jasper or .jrxml files is up to you.
I prefer .jrxml, because the plugin will then compile the report on the fly, using the jasper engine version of the plugin you have installed.
If you are using .jasper files and the compiled version is incompatible with jasper engine version, it will fail creating the report and you need to re-compile the file yourself

Compiling on the fly is an additional step, thus slower.
Nevertheless I enjoy the benefits.
You can also think of a hybrid solution where only deploy the jrxml files, but you re-compile the jrxml files using the plugin in the post-import hook.
That way the compiled version is always equal to the jasper engine version of the plugin.

Hope this helps
Marc Boegem
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Re: Which version to use?

Postby darren » Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:17 pm

Thanks for the input, Marc. Fair enough and a simple solution. I was just thrown off by some of the wording in the documentation.
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