Servoy 4.0 final

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Servoy 4.0 final

Postby svroemisse » Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:43 pm

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 4.0.0 final.

Make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing.

This version is available through the download page on the Servoy website (developer section). This version will also be available through auto update shortly.

Changes in Developer since RC5
[fix] mac debug smart client paint issue
[fix] case 144506: solution firstForm property falls back to 'Unresolved'
[fix] case 146430: element properties that reference non-existent other elements fall back to 'Unresolved'
[fix] case 142141: find/read only components enabled
[fix] case 146699: JavaScript calls from Java bean listeners or links in html area were not triggering the debugger
[fix] case 127555: history.remove(formname) now also destroys the form instance
[fix] case 146559: style not imported with solution
[fix] case 146560: column validation not checked out after import
[fix] developer icon in dock on macs

Changes in previous releases

Changes in Client
[new] form onUnLoad event, see unload event on a form
[new] case 119296: application.setStatusText(...) is now also working in web client
[new] case 127512: range check in find / search to detect bogus ranges
[new] function getDataProviderID(...) added for labels and buttons
[new] two new security methods: security.setSecuritySettings(...) and security.getElementUUIDs(...)
[new] case 120402: tabIndex property on tabpanel accepts tab name as input
[new] case 123401: allow the use of global methods in bgColorCalc property, see forum
[new] case 130080: application.getScreenWidth()/Height() now working in webclient
[new] case 47296: removeTableFilterParam(...), based on name which is a new optional argument in addTableFilterParam(...)

[enh] case 39682: convert foundset to dataset, databaseManager.convertToDataSet(...) now support the specification of column names [enh] print preview initial zoom can be specified as an argument
[enh] labelfor labels to become headers in tableview to apply styles
[enh] Servoy sequence range extended to long (64-bits)
[enh] UUID column support (as 16 bytes binary, 36 char string of native db type) and UUID sequence generator in case of primary key [enh] initialsort property in relations
[enh] case 127292: HTTP put and cookie support on the HTTP plugin [enh] form transparency can be set
[enh] support for script based tableview column resize/move, by changing the element location and size
[enh] support for user based tableview column resize/move, by dragging and resizing header elements
[enh] mail plugin can be put in debug mode to make testing with real data easier

[chg] case 134920: shorten the deeplink URL for SmartClients startup, can now be: http://<host>:<port>/servoy-client/<solution>.jnlp?m=<method>&a=<arg>
[chg] HTTP plugin charset support: getLastPageCharset() and poster.setCharset(charset)

[fix] case 131433: find/search triggers edit mode under certain circumstances
[fix] case 134575: OR-search sometimes returns records that do not match tableFilterParam
[fix] limit the width of the type ahead's field popup
[fix] case 132080: web client: non editable image_media field shows a white space
[fix] case 134157: web client: view of a checkbox is not correct
[fix] case 99940: right to left is not applied to the navigator and toolbars
[fix] case 138405: SSL use is not shown in smart client status bar when using the HTTP tunnel over HTTPS
[fix] case 75087,135421: asynchronous loading for HTML documents to speed up displaying
[fix] RTF area uses ISO 8859-1. So do not use OS default encoding to decode the contents...
[fix] case 52335: web client: tableView headers: text too large causes only header to grow, not column
[fix] case 142881: bold, italic, underline buttons don't work with RTF area

Debug Scripting Console
To use the debug scripting display/evaluate view (as seen in classic Developer), in the Servoy Eclipse developer, while in "debug" perspective, click Window -> "Show View" -> Other -> ScriptDebugConsole.

Timezone Behavior Change
Important behavior change: by default, the property "servoy.use.client.timezone" is set to true.

Property description:
When true the client timezone will be used to convert to the server/database timezone. It is highly recommended to use true as default to always see the correct/same dates/times in all clients (regardless of their timezone).

Dates entered into the database in the past by clients in different timezones, without running with this property enabled, will be incorrect due to timezone calulation differences.

Easier way of setting Tab Sequence
Tab sequences can be set by pressing <ctrl>, then clicking the elements in the desired order while holding down the ctrl button. Then you can right click any of the selected items and select "Set tab sequence" to set the tab sequence to match the order in which you just clicked the items.

Error handling changes
In Servoy 4.0, the error handling of record deletion was slightly changed:
In Servoy 3.5, when deletion of records fails because of servoy-application-checks, an error message is logged, the delete is rejected and scripting methods return value false.

In Servoy 4.0, when deletion of records fails because of servoy-application-checks, a ServoyException is thrown. When an on-error method is defined, the exception will be passed to the method.

New Exception error codes
As a consequence of the error handling change described above, two new ServoyException error codes have been defined:

i18nmessage: servoy.foundset.error.noParentDeleteWithRelatedrecords

i18nmessage: servoy.foundset.error.deleteNotGranted

Rhino Update
The Javascript engine we use, Rhino, has been updated from version 1.5R3 to 1.6R7. This fixes a number of issues:
1. .toFixed() now works as expected ( ... ht=tofixed)
2. method.apply() now works as expected (
3. many regex issues have been fixed

It also adds some very interesting features:
1. XML support (, )
2. Getter and Setter support on Objects ( ... nd_Setters )

API changes
[new] case 49029: added add/removeColumn methods to JSDataSet

Form Variables
Form instance variables are a new feature in Servoy 4.0. These variables are visible to all the form functions, but not to global functions or functions from other forms.

Form Inheritance
With Servoy 4.0, forms can inherit layout, variables and functions from other forms. Sub-forms receive part definitions from their super form and can add parts to the end of the list of form parts. For instance, if form B inherits from form A and form A has a leading grand total, form B cannot add a title, but it can add a body.

Overloaded super form methods can be called using "_super". This will prevent possible future clashes with "super", which is expected to become a reserved word in the JavaScript 2.0 specification.

Transparency Setting for Title Borders
The transparency setting for title borders is honored. By default, transparency has always been on. This means you should check your solutions for title borders that unintentionally have become transparent.

New Sample Solutions
Two new solutions are shipped: servoy_sample_bug_db and servoy_example_styles. The servoy_sample_bug_db solution is a sample solution that implements a bug tracking application; The servoy_example_styles solution demonstrates the use of styles.
Last edited by svroemisse on Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sandor Vroemisse
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Postby jbader » Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:00 pm

Congratulations on the question though...

In the RC5 release a note was included in the release notes that said:
The way database information is stored on disk has changed. This means you will get problem markers on database columns. It is recommended to empty your servoy_workspace directory before using this release.

I assume that this means that if I currently have an RC4 workspace and corresponding svn repository with RC4 files in it I need to completely wipe out that workspace and completely wipe out that svn repo, then install 4.0 and get it all under svn again?

I can't simply run the updater on my RC4 copy to upgrade my local workspace to 4.0 final then commit my files to upgrade the repo can I?

Again, congrats!
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Postby Karel Broer » Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:24 pm

Thank you Servoyians for making Servoy development even more easy with this incredible new release.
Looking forward to work with Serclipse in the near future!
I really like these features, too:
[new] tabIndex property on tabpanel accepts form name as input
[enh] convert foundset to dataset, databaseManager.convertToDataSet(...) now support the specification of column names
[enh] support for script based tableview column resize/move, by changing the element location and size
[enh] support for user based tableview column resize/move, by dragging and resizing header elements
[chg] shorten deeplink URL for SmartClients startup

Keep on doing it, Servoyians!
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Postby svroemisse » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:28 pm

Karel Broer wrote:I really like these features, too:
[new] tabIndex property on tabpanel accepts form name as input

Glad you like it :)
The above was a mistake on our account though; the tabIndex property doesn't accept a form name as input but a tab name instead.
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Re: Congratulations!

Postby svroemisse » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:34 pm

jbader wrote:I can't simply run the updater on my RC4 copy to upgrade my local workspace to 4.0 final then commit my files to upgrade the repo can I?

This has nothing to do with the repository - it only relates to the workspace. So if you are on rc4, you can leave your repository untouched.

Before upgrading you should delete any and all projects from your workspace(s) though. Should there be anything worth saving in your workspace, you can simply commit the changes in your workspace to the repository and check your solutions out after the upgrade to 4.0 final.

Again, congrats!

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Postby agiletortoise » Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:15 pm

Congrats to the Servoy team!

It's a really big release, am I'm really impressed with how quickly the a lot of the rough edges have been smoothed out. Really looking forward to the day I can have solutions migrated and not have to work in 3.5 anymore! (no offense to prior releases intended, it's just a great leap forward for the platform!)

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Postby rioba » Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:39 pm

I post this question here because I can't find a more suitable place: I have read in the press release announcing Servoy 4 that a free community edition will be available with 5 clients. I think this is really good news and I would like to congratulate Servoy for this decision.

Will it have any special limitations and when will it be available?
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Postby ROCLASI » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:07 pm

Hi Rioba,

It's available now (it's the same binary), check the download page at the servoy website.
The only limitation I know of is that you can only use it for non-commercial stuff. So in short, if you make money with it you need to buy the license.

Hope this helps.
Robert Ivens
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Postby agiletortoise » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:10 pm

I noticed the Smart Client starts with a special "Community edition" splash screen that requires the user to click. I think the press release said up to 5 users, too.

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Postby agiletortoise » Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:04 pm

I was under the impression that 4 would ship with the Jasper Reports plugin. A clean install of the 4 doesn't contain the plugin.

That said, should the version I'm using with 3.5 work fine in 4, or is there an updated version available for download elsewhere?

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Postby pbakker » Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:59 pm

You can download the latest version through

The plugin is not shipped by default with Servoy 4.0 but is freely downloadable.

Stay tuned for more info.

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How about a "fresh" client

Postby jbader » Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:47 pm

I have noticed that the debug smart client in developer does not reinitialize to default settings between solution activations; it only does so on developer/eclipse restarts. For example, if I use the menubar plugin to add a toolbar to the primary servoy frame in solution A, then activate an entirely different solution - solution B - solution B has the toolbar.

How about a fresh client each and every time a solution is activated?
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Community Edition info

Postby BDuncan » Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:12 pm

Here is the link to the info about the community edition.

Postby Ron » Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:17 am

I noticed that an altered elementname is no longer displayed in the explorer after Refresh View. Saving the file will do the trick however. Is this expected behaviour?


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Postby svroemisse » Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:31 am

Ron wrote:I noticed that an altered elementname is no longer displayed in the explorer after Refresh View. Saving the file will do the trick however. Is this expected behaviour?

Yes it is. Generally, as long as the change isn't saved, there really is no change as far as developer is concerned.
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