How to book hotel rooms for ServoyWorld

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How to book hotel rooms for ServoyWorld

Postby BDuncan » Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:22 am

There is a special URL, that can be found about 1/2 way down the "accomodation" page on the ServoyWorld website:

or go directly to Marriott's website set up for ServoyWorld at ... p=resvlink

It will fill in the code for you, which is: swdswda

Be sure and book your hotel rooms early at this fabulous resort - as we have a limited number of rooms at the special rate of $149 (with Internet included!). Note that there are always other fees...resort fees, taxes, etc.

This hotel is a TRUE resort with BEAUTIFUL golf courses, a waterfall pool, world-class spa, largest hotel rooms in Vegas, attached mall, casino - you will love it!

Hotel deadline is Aug 2

Postby BDuncan » Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:51 pm

If you need to book your hotel room for ServoyWorld, do it soon!

The special low rate of $149 with the free internet goes away Aug 2.

They don't CHARGE you now -- they just hold your room, so why not do it now?

See the above post for the special savings CODE and the web link.

Can't wait to see you all in Las Vegas!

Less than 20% of rooms left

Postby BDuncan » Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:15 pm

I got an "alert" email from the J.W. Marriott resort today that we have less than 20% of our room block left!

The rate of $149/night includes internet (which is normally another $10/night) so this is a killer deal!

If you are even thinking of going to ServoyWorld -- I would book your room NOW to make sure you get one!

Go here to get the Servoy deal: ... p=resvlink

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