Servoy 3.5.6

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Postby agiletortoise » Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:13 pm

Any idea on a timeframe for 3.5.7?

It's got a data loss fix (case #136387) that I've been waiting on for a client.

I realize the focus has been on 4.0, but I was just wondering...

thanks, greg.
Greg Pierce
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Re: Servoy 3.5.6

Postby martinh » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:01 pm


[b]Smart Client Insert/Overwrite mode[/b]
In smart client, you can now switch between insert and overwrite mode with the insert key. By default, datefields are in overwrite mode as they always were but now a field that is in overwrite mode will not delete characters by pressing delete or backspace. The cursor will just move one character to the left. You still can delete everything by selecting it all and pressing delete. All other fields are by default in insert mode, but can now be switched to overwrite.


I just wanted to report a bug, because of the above situation.
Default mode is insertmode, but often a wrong date is entered in a calenderfield.
But when using the backspace key, it doesn't delete the characters already entered.

In all other programs backspace removes a character, but not in a servoy calenderfield. My end-users do not understand this.
Can you make this optional, so that we can decide ourselves how Servoy should react on a backspace in calenderfield.

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Re: Servoy 3.5.6

Postby jcompagner » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:18 pm

a backspace shouldnt remove a char in overwrite mode because then the mask is completely shrewed and you cant type a date anymore without typing in completely over again (or setting in in insert mode)

if we set it default in insert mode then if you want to change a date you always have to first delete it. This is then for every char you want to change you have to type 2 things (delete, append)

So what mode do you want in a date field?

the overwrite but dont delete (else the mask of the date is completely shrewed up)
insert mode and then you always have to delete first a char that you want to change.

I think the current way if people are getting used to it is way way faster then every other solution.

Because it is a date. It has to follow the rules of the date format mask. What does it matter that it doesnt delete? If you press backspace and then press a char you want you have exactly the behavior you would have if we did delete and then append it (how insert mode works)

We could make a global setting where you can say: all fields are default in insert mode? (or overwrite for the people that want that)
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