Nominations for ServoyWorld Awards

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Nominations for ServoyWorld Awards

Postby BDuncan » Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:36 pm

It has become our tradition to give out awards at ServoyWorld. Would you care to nominate someone? Yourself?

You can do so here and start a lively discussion or send a private message to me (here or to

You can ALSO suggest a new category if you think we have forgotten something.

Final decisions will be left up to the Servoy managers, owners, etc. But hey, we like your input!

Here are categories from the past years...

Join us at ServoyWorld and see who wins!
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Opps - here are the categories

Postby BDuncan » Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:44 pm

Proposed 2008 Awards (ServoyWorld)

Eager Beaver (past winners: Graham Greensal., Nicola Gervasi.) - This award is for the first person to sign up for ServoyWorld

ha ha - we already know who this secret person is...

Most Enthusiastic Evangelist
(past winners: John Allen, Enrico Errata) - This award is for a person who spreads the "good news" of Servoy

Community Spirit Award (past winners: Marcel Trapman, Patrick Ruhsert of Dr. Maison ) - - This award is for the person who gives of him or her self to the community of Servoy, such as posting answers to questions on the forum, making products for the community, offering open-source items, and always in a positive and pleasant spirit.

Web Client Adaptation - (past winners: Dean Westover, Nicola Gervasi) Unique award for unique and cutting edge use of Servoy Web Client Technology

SaaS Implementation - (past winners: called ASP then - Michael Phelps, Dean Westover)Award for unique and cutting edge use of Servoy Technology in a SaaS model

Most Conversions by a Consultant

We only gave this out in 2007 (not 2006) to Graham Greensal.

Fastest Migration

We only gave this out in 2007 (not 2006) to C Prime.

Other Ideas?
e.g. - Other past "one time" awards have included a humanitarian award (Dr.s Kerr) and Open Source Contribution (Scott Butler, JDBC driver, before he became a Servoy employee) and a blank award for John Smith at TMA - who we expect great things from.


Write to me! Post a response or send a private message or email.
Don't forget to sign up for ServoyWorld AND get your hotel rooms SOON (prices rise after August 2 for hotel rooms).

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