Servoy 5.1 Final

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Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby Jan Blok » Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:45 pm

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 5.1 Final

This version is available through the download page on the Servoy website (developer section) and auto update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before upgrading.
To update eclipse, open Window -> Preferences (update sites) -> disable both update-sites, since there is a problem at the side!

We want to say thanks to all the Servoy 5.1 beta/release candidate testers, for all the testing they did!

Programming Features:
[new] onResize event on Forms
[new] Native SplitPane support in Smart and Web Client, (tab)panel element orientation property is extended with values "split_horizontal' and 'split_vertical' for resizable split pane support.
[new] Headless client plugin: allows the execution of methods in headless clients started on the Application Server
[new] JSServer.isValid() function in Maintenance plugin
[new] media:/// url support in PDF_Output plugin
[new] fullscreen parameter support to application.showFormInDialog
[new] date format mask support
[new] input validation on integer/number fields
[enh] foundSet.add/removeFoundSetFilterParam will return false when there are unsaved records that cannot be saved

[new] addHeader function on Poster class of HTTP Plugin
[new] option to set the body of a HTTP Post by setting a parameter with keyvalue "body" on Poster class of HTTP Plugin
[enh] added option to showFileSaveDialog and showFileOpenDialog methods to specify the title of the dialog
[chg] Merged Kiosk, MenuBar & PopupMenu plugin functionality into Window plugin, deprecating the Kiosk, MenuBar and Popup menu plugins

[new] show exception property on JSRecord node
[enh] Improved Foreign Type Suggestion dialog in Serclipse: better suggestions, option to exclude entries from future suggestions
[enh] Improved property editor for field format property
[chg] Organized JS Lib node: moved functions and properties to correct location, added missing nodes, added missing functions and properties
[chg] Renamed "Form Design" perspective to "Servoy Design"

[new] actual RMI port usage info added to the admin-page
[new] links on admin-page to enable/disable low-level (sql execution) tracing
[enh] Added Connection Profiles to the Application Server
[enh] Added option to start Application Server in Socket & HTTP tunnel mode (admin-page)
[enh] better message when closing solution in Smart Client when solution browsing is turned off.
[enh] better error message in Smart Client with connection issues: "Error loading related data" instead of "Error in relation"

Client Compatibility
[new] Field formatting support in Web Client
[enh] Make more functions from file plugin work in Web Client

Detailed overview
Client Changes:
[enh] 82735 need JS function to check if server is valid
[enh] 196318 close solution in smart client shows empty select dialog when solution browsing is turned off
[enh] 263349 "Error in relation" message when having network issues
[enh] 258284 Performance enhance in solution load time
[enh] 268729 event.getSource() in onLoad/onUnLoad is empty
[enh] added fullscreen parameter to application.showFormInDialog()
[fix] 272941 RecreateUI on Form Instances Causes Stale Forms
[fix] 273098 webclient does not respect the color in the title-header and footer
[fix] 258367 Vertical alignment problems in webclient
[fix] 267020 Image with a tooltip in form in dialog has display problems in webclient
[fix] 251812 webclient paging falls off the screen when showing in a formInDialog
[fix] 268573 showForm of an solutionModel cloned form, doesn't fire event methods
[fix] 268777 recreateUI doesn't recreate tableviews correctly
[fix] 260006 When using the default Servoy Sort dialog, if the user selects the Cancel button, the current sort of the foundset is cleared instead of leaving it as it is.
[fix] 269530 error creating records through a relation before saving (when using DBIdentity keys)
[fix] 270352 Error duplicating records through a relation before saving (when DBIdentity values are used)
[fix] 265254 Issue saving data (when DBIdentity values are used)
[fix] 264818 layout properties in pagedialog for small label printing
[fix] 268660 error rendering the page in webclient
[fix] 270394 error in webclient if you use application.getUserProperty('')
[fix] 270385 if you use set and getUserProperty in the webclient and you have a '/' in the string, it gets lost
[fix] 269800 bean resize elements.chart_pie.setSize(...) doesn't work in de webclient
[fix] 269546 in tableView selected record doesn't scroll into view when form in Tableview view is shown
[fix] 269328 application.closeFormIndialog(true) doesn't always work
[fix] 269855 the method'some_dialog_window_name', true) displays a dialog with incorrect height
[fix] 270350 Style classes table warning is shown when a form has it as a INHERITED
[fix] 271799 Some border settings do not work for beans
[fix] 272256 Table multi-select is not working correctly when changing the index as well.
[fix] 265967,266484 Calendar Field throws error while form is in find mode webclient only.
[fix] 263706,256819 onDataChange not triggered in Web Client
[fix] 260005 On TABLE_VIEW forms, applying sort pragmatically is not reflected on the grid column heading image
[fix] 255897 return DRAGNDROP.NONE seems not to work in webclient
[fix] 254623 WebClient use of application.showFormInDialog() with pop-up blockers
[fix] 257999 Strange behaviour i18n editor filter
[fix] 261219 The JSButton.onAction returns null instead of a JSMethod when the button's click event handler is a method in a parent form
[fix] 264413 servoy_blobloader not working all the time in the webclient
[fix] 264414 Strange intermittent issue in calcs
[fix] 84713 Sorting LanguageList in i18n area's in smartclient preferences
[fix] 263311 Valuelist global method double entries
[fix] 262382 databaseManager.getFoundSetDataProviderAsArray() fails with calculation field
[fix] 262458 Tab sequence in Web Client not functioning properly
[fix] 264630 The onRightClick event doesn't work on a TEXT_FIELD in find mode
[fix] 254606 calculations that uses getRecord() over a relation will not be triggered when the related records value is changed.
[fix] 208554 "Sink When Last" property not working anymore in printing
[fix] 264400 Webclient default form style not correctly applied
[fix] 261350 Table view webclient in focus loop
[fix] 262349 problem using addTableFilterParams with MySQL when updating data
[fix] 216678 foundset.addFoundSetfilterParam behavior when foundset has edited records and autosave is off is not well defined
[fix] 260294 Saved Decimal calculation issue with database types
[fix] 264412 The method application.showFormInDialog changes the title of the main SmartClient window and does not revert it back when the dialog is closed
[fix] 266313 Calendar not working in the Web Client
[fix] 264729 Table view resize with anchored columns inside tab-panel
[fix] 260334 anchoring tableview in webclient
[fix] 244296 Table view column ancoring doesn't work right

-MacOSX specific:
[fix] 260085 the dock and shortcut ICON always shows java coffee-cup on OSX (java 1.5 only) no matter what image or setting you use (solution included)
[fix] 218700 Mac client doc icon ugly
[fix] 252271 Servoy dialogs displaying icons from Adobe & Entourage

-onResize event on forms
[enh] 194900,219455,210516,175965 Need notification event when a form is re-sized

-Native splitpane support:
[enh] 63616 Investigate jsplitpane support for webclient
[enh] 177394 splitter in webclient
[fix] 220083 Provide an option for having a splitter and resize at runtime controls placed on the same form and bound to the same table

[enh] 260027 Introduce DateFormat mask as an extra param for dates like dd-MM-yyyy|mask
[enh] 260028 Introduce a nice editor for formats in the Servoy Developer
[enh] Support field formatting in Web Client

[enh] 65175 login name should be remembered based on server not globally
[enh] 39707 save user settings in user property file
[enh] 261014 Client side preference to enable/disable use of http tunneling
[fix] 265701 deeplinks with parameters don't generate a shortcut

Developer changes:
[enh] 156015 Disallow duplicate and non-scriptable tab names
[enh] 258353 Error when creating twice a server with the same name
[enh] 256282 exception property missing on JSRecord node under databasemanager in Solution Explorer
[enh] 254257 lookup value from column should generate warning if element(s) does not exist
[enh] "Suggest Foreign type" wizard
[enh] JSLib node: added missing nodes, functions, and properties, moved functions and properties to the correct location
[enh] Renamed "Form design" perspective to "Servoy design"
[enh] 267935 CTRL+A in form editor when there is nothing selected
[fix] 272936 Exported solution asks for password when none was given
[fix] 272234 The error duplicate relation found should 'click' to the relation, and there should be a quickfix
[fix] 272575 problems tab showing errors (duplicate relations) that are in fact identical
[fix] 273042 Integration of Java Applet that contains image as a bean
[fix] 267579 No Dialect mapping for special JDBC type when importing solution exported from ms sqlserver
[fix] 262459 Servoy hangs on newRecord() in developer after switchServer
[fix] 268225 'Set to Default' option in context menu on Property Editor for the ScrollBar property is not available
[fix] 270077 wrong evaluation in Interactive Console
[fix] 269440 relation popup hangs when typing file name
[fix] 254621 externalize I18N: the default keys are not that nice.
[fix] 267881 the select dialog shouldn't show relation cycles
[fix] 267885 the layout in dialog for rowBgColorCalc is not ok, the two buttons are too close to one another
[fix] 272501 Show Form In Client Issue - Mac
[fix] 258356 Remove user/group buttons are not disabled when they could be
[fix] 271837 slightly false error message in problems tab
[fix] 258359 Editor displays * after save
[fix] 255723 fontchooser doesn't insert anything into a stylesheet
[fix] 197643 Link with editor button on Navigator view doesn't work
[fix] 260787 can't fix a warning: element in form myForm is outside the bounds of the form
[fix] 219739 Using DEFAULT as color not working correctly
[fix] 247344 Javascript editor: method at end of file moves to the top after save when there is no newline after last closing bracket
[fix] 257377 Changes done by SolutionModel are visible during TeamSync in Eclipse
[fix] 261368 Security markers => no security info loaded, but editors can save
[fix] 255646 Pushing updates to DebugSmartClient should be delayed
[fix] 264921 Changing solution name at importing is not working
[fix] 258348 ctrl-L behavior fails
[fix] 261353 CTRL+A isn't working in most places in developer
[fix] 260024 strange behavior editing form elements
[fix] 264359 escape characters in I18n messages on application server in %%...%% strings
[fix] 118409 Debugger - Watch - Doesn't show last variable value.

Server changes:
[enh] 260859 Please add divider lines between licenses on the Admin page
[enh] List network errors in orange (instead of red) in Admin page, since no-one can prevent or fix those.
[enh] Added actual RMI port used by the Servoy to Admin page
[enh] Added button to enable/disable tracing on the Server Log page of the Admin Page
[fix] 266934 Jobs running in scheduler don't go into errorhandler.

Plugin/Beans changes:
[enh] 262985 Unable to add body with HTTP plugin poster
[enh] added addHeader method on Poster object of HTTP plugin
[fix] 268188 The serialize plugin produces erroneous results when serializing/deserializing objects or arrays which contain two different references to the same object
[fix] 270374,260887 The serialize plugin does not deserialize correctly nested objects contained in an array
[fix] 268186 The serialize plugin should not try to serialize functions
[fix] 265664 Problem with i18n key usage in plugins
[fix] 268041 MultiSelect fileupload dialog in WC does not grow, after selecting multiple files, meaning you have to scroll inside the dialog to get to the upload button
[fix] 269887 Dbtreetableview bean error on when foundset is empty
[fix] 254253 DbTreeView Problem

-Make all possible functions from the file plugin work in webclient:
[enh] 133204 In webclient, ability to open files from database through scripting
[enh] 244315 Need a way to Load a media file without having the user click the little icon in a media field
[enh] 268345 the showFileSaveDialog and showFileOpenDialog methods of the file plugin have no option of specifying the dialog title

-Headlessclient plugin:
[enh] 253373 headlessclient
[enh] 128089 Plugin to start a client on the server to execute a long running process

-Window Plugin (to replace kiosk,menubar,popupmenu)
[enh] 121821 menubar, popupmenu and kiosk plugin merge (into window plugin)
[fix] 263436 Popup Plugin in Smart Client: Identifier not found
[fix] 264399 difference in predefined param for function plugins.menubar.getMenu
[fix] 146131 Menubar plugin toolbar 'cached' between stop and start of debug smart client
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby tommygill » Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:48 pm

Thank you Servoy team for your steady and prompt service and for the attention to detail.

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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby pbakker » Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:16 pm

The documentation wiki contains a new space containing the Servoy 5.1 documentation.

The Programming Reference Guide has been updated completely for Servoy 5.1, shortly more documentation will become available.

We also created a public SVN located at which we will use to provide you with quick sample solution. Currently, it contains one sample solution called servoy51Demo (with the accompanying servoy51DemoResources) which displayed the new SplitPane feature and the File upload/download features in the Servoy Web Client.

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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby ptalbot » Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:26 pm

Congrats for this 5.1! Great release again.

Also it is a very nice novelty to have up-to-date wiki documentation that goes with it, and a good idea to have a public svn repository for samples.

Many thanks for your efforts!
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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby birgit » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:16 pm


We just noticed that all auto enter values for system values (creation server datetime and modification server datetime) are lost. Sequence definitions are still there. I cannot say since when they are lost (rc 1 to rc3 or final). Any chance to get them back? Otherwise it would be another big cleanup work, because there are about 200 values to be defined again.

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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby ROCLASI » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:36 pm

Hi Birgit,

You can do a quick test.
Look in the dbi file with a regular text editor. See if the auto-enter values are really gone or that they are somehow not interpreted.
If it's no longer there then you have to rollback to an earlier version pehaps in Subversion. Or any other backup you might have.
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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby birgit » Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:04 pm

Thank you, Robert, for your reply.

I checked the dbi-Files: they do not include any information about the auto enter values. So, either a backup or entering the values again...

Are we the only ones who lost these information?

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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby martinh » Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:47 pm

Hi Birgit,

You're not the only one who is losing AutoEnter values.
I have the same and already since version 4.1
The problem is that it is very hard to reproduce the problem and so Servoy can't solve it because I can't make a simple scenario in what case it occurs.

I can tell you what could be involved (based on my experience with the problem)

1) When there is a database default value NULL (specially for new created fields) it could happen
2) When doing a restart of the application server after create new field, but before committing the changes to the central repository
3) When the database type on the server is not equal to the one in the workspace , for example nvarchar(1) was replaced by nchar(1)

Very often I have to overwrite my local settings with the settings from the server
Next enter the auto enters again
And then commit the changes.
And then quit the developer

Sometimes I have to do these steps 3 times before these AutoEnters are really saved into the repository
And even then I see sometimes that a couple of days later, the same problem occurs on the same AutoEnters

Also try to stop the AS in stead of restart the AS.

All the above sometimes fixes the problem, but sometimes it goes well since the beginning. It is very hard to find the scenario
In our case it happens for both MAC and Windows developers.

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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby birgit » Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:33 pm

Thanks, Martin, for the detailed report. Good to hear that we are not the only ones. Bad to hear that it happens sometimes.

We also noticed that sometimes we had to commit resource changes several times, until they really made it into the repository.

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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby martinh » Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:38 pm

There is another thing I noticed. Birgit, maybe you can confirm if this is the same for your case.

Very often Servoy notices a difference between developer and server and this difference is:


Since I noticed that the problem with lost AutoEnters is caused by difference between developer and server, perhaps this databaseSequenceName:"" is also considered as a difference (even it doesn't mean anything useful to me)

I can say that in more than 90% of the cases this databaseSequenceName:"" difference is involved when I lose my AutoEnter values.

@Birgit: Is that the same in your case? If it is, maybe that will help Servoy to fix the problem
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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby Gabi Boros » Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:39 pm

did you made any changes on those tables definitions in the db or in Servoy ?
what type of db are you using ?


We just noticed that all auto enter values for system values (creation server datetime and modification server datetime) are lost. Sequence definitions are still there. I cannot say since when they are lost (rc 1 to rc3 or final). Any chance to get them back? Otherwise it would be another big cleanup work, because there are about 200 values to be defined again.

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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby birgit » Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:47 am


Martin: I cannot remember any databaseSequenceName difference. And I doublechecked with my team. We use Servoy sequences and never had to name them. Maybe this is a difference in our projects.

Gabi: I wouldn't call it "changes on table definitions". When migrating to Servoy 5 (5.0.1) we had to recreate our whole database (Sybase 11). And I remember that we had problems - actually we were uncertain if locally defined resources should overwrite the repository or vice versa - synchronizing with our Servoy application. This is what I remember happened: We created the database (from outside Servoy), we defined a Database Server for this new database. Servoy then creates the dbi file for this database in the resources folder of my workspace. In these dbi files I can see the database structure of the new db (one file per table, the attributes of one table in one file). Is this right? No we imported our Servoy 4 solutions and did write them to the repository (share and commit). Here I do not have a clear view: What is now in the dbi files? Is it the clean, new db definition or the ones which come with the Servoy 4 application? I assume what we defined in our application (sequences and system values) is part of the application resources. And I guess thats what is in the local resources now. And there shouldn't be any differeneces between client and server (repository). But when synchronizing I remember at least sequence changes. And we once commited the wrong way and all definitions for sequences were gone. So we did the process again and did commit the local files where all sequences were defined. I'm sorry but we didn't check the system values at that moment.

Any idea what happened?

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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby Gabi Boros » Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:58 am

hi Birgit,

after importing the solution, the dbi will have all the information the solution had, in the
repository it was exported from, like sequences and system values. is that possible that when you did the commit in the
wrong way you also lost the system values, and you did not restored them ?
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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby birgit » Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:32 pm

That's what I was thinking too. But as I mentioned, we checked the sequences. The first time we commited the wrong way. So we did all the import again (two developers together, this time) and checked the direction of the commit. And: All sequence definitions are still there. Shouldn't it be all or nothing? Either sequences and all other auto enter values (like system values) or none of them?

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Re: Servoy 5.1 Final

Postby Gabi Boros » Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:55 pm

if you imported again, then yes, you should have all in the dbi again;
do you still have that export ? if yes, can you import it into a clean ws
and check the dbi for system values ? and then you could do a share with
the repository you are using for team, do a synch, and check the dbi differences
and commit the dbi's with system values, and check if they are saved in the repository
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