Servoy 7.4.9

Servoy announcements

Servoy 7.4.9

Postby jcompagner » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:58 pm

We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 7.4.9 releaseNumber 2047).

this release fixes a few small isses and we use a new signing certificate
Also a full install will have a upgraded Tomcat version: 6.0.47

This version is available through the download option on the Servoy website and auto update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing/upgrading.
To update a Servoy eclipse open "Check for updates" via help menu.

Issues in that where addressed in 7.4.9:

[fix] SVY-10559 would not like the errors in the log about more then 500 records loaded into valuelist
[fix] SVY-10488 foundset.sort(String) is not generating the proper SQL when sorting related data from the same table using different relationship

[fix] SVY-10161 Subsequent right click doesn't select the target record clicked
[fix] SVY-9769 Date time with input mask is rendering incorrect after faulty entry

[fix] SVY-10194 Typeahead down key is not working table view Mozilla browser
[fix] SVY-10193 Internal error page is shown when selecting a record in a web tableview
[fix] SVY-10178 Shortcut key is not working on find mode with Radio button

[fix] SVY-10588 Mobile page stops scrolling after the keyboard pops up

[enh] SVY-10442 Need an import option that is lenient towards compatible database structure differences.
[enh] SVY-10506 upgrade Tomcat in 7 and 8
[enh] SVY-9604 Collation of inmem table
[fix] SVY-10180 Unclear error message 'client_stats table missing in log server, cannot save client statistics'
[fix] SVY-10179 Better indication on Admin page if and so which server is configured as log server
[fix] SVY-10175 DB server goes offline with a ORA-01424 error.

[fix] SVY-10059 Running a method through 'right-click on outline' > 'Debug Method' executes old code first time after edit
[fix] SVY-9993 Exporting with the -dbi option is ignoring the .dbi files.

Previous release notes: this page
Johan Compagner
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