Servoy 8.2.1 RC will be released in about 1 week

Servoy announcements

Servoy 8.2.1 RC will be released in about 1 week

Postby jcompagner » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:50 am

A 8.2.1 rc release is planned between 15 and 19 of September
with a final release planned for 29 September

Besides bug fixes there are a few enhancements like 1 that also fixes date problems:

In the format property dialog of dataprovider property of type Date you can now specify if this date should be seen as a LocalDate or a UTCDate
When you say LocalDate then the date will be the same no matter what timezone your are in (not conversion will be done), so like a birth date
This only works for NGClient

Designtime properties are now also exposed on WebComponents in the designer properties panel (under the hood this already worked)

A few plugins are updated to have some more features, textexport has now a new api through an Exporter object and the client manager has some more methods to get more state from the current clients.
Johan Compagner
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