Servoy 2019.03

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Servoy 2019.03

Postby jcompagner » Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:57 pm

We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 2019.03 (release number 3412)

This version is available through the the download site
The update site can't be used to upgrade from 84 to this release, a bug in the eclipse update mechanisme will result in a broken installation.
So a clean install needs to be done if you come from 84 (but you can reuse the existing workspace just fine)

Also we only support 64 bit java from 2019.03 on, this is also because Eclipse also doesn't support 32 bit anymore. So you need to have a 64 bit java.

If you already are on the 2019.03 rc1 or rc2 install then you can use the update site:

Release notes of this release 2019.03 whats new

this final release only updated the java less compiler to a new version to work better with css variables in less files.

rc2 release fixes a few things for the license manager (to auto upgrade the license when exporting a WAR in developer or command line)

For more info see issues fixed in rc2: 2019.03 RC2 release notes
issues fixed in rc1: 2019.03 RC release notes

2019.03 will succeed the 84 release, so there will no more 8.4.x release

From now an Servoy will have a regular scheduler of releasing, so every last month of a quarter after the first week a first RC will be released of that quarter (so next will be 2019.06)
and in the last week of that quarter or the first week of the next quarter the final release will be done.
Check this for more info.

This branch (2019.03) will be promoted to be a LTS release, after we released 2019.06 you can choose to stay on the 2019.03.X LTS branch for the coming year to have only some bug fixes or get the latest updates every quarter.
Johan Compagner
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Servoy 2019.03 - Incorrect display of servers and tables

Postby rioba1401913570 » Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:38 am

In the following posts
I reported Servoy developer strange behaviour after installing version 2019 rc1 and rc2. The same problem still exists after installing Servoy 2019.03 final: in the developer resources panel, all servers show also tables belonging to other DBs besides its own (see images in above posts). As jcompagner suggested I completely erased all previous installations of Servoy 2019.03 and installed a new MySQL server (v.8.0.15) and JDBC drivers (also v. 8.0.15) so that there was no file, such as .dbi, from previous installations. But the problem reproduced itself again. I did this three times with identical results. I also switched MySQL server to a previous version (8.0.13) and the JConnector. Tables from a server I created show also in the Servoy default servers, such as repository. Any suggestion on how to solve this?
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Re: Servoy 2019.03

Postby jcompagner » Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:18 pm

i tested this on mysql (latest database and jconnector)
and i see that when you just use jdbc:mysql://localhost/database1 that the driver does still return all tables of all databases..
For that you need to set also the "catalog" (in the advanced section) to also "database1", problem is that then when connection and setting up the connection itself it bombs out because mysql wants to have another sql command for setting the current catalog/database (then the standard)

So we need to override that behavior to not send "set catalog 'database1'"; but call "use database1" like described here:

created a case for this:

as far as i can see the getTables() or how we make the connection is already long time like this (latest changes are from 2016 in that area). So this can't be something new on Servoy's side
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Re: Servoy 2019.03

Postby swingman » Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:43 pm

Re the new oauth plugin, is it possible to add HMRC as a provider? ... horisation
Christian Batchelor
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Re: Servoy 2019.03

Postby emera » Wed Apr 03, 2019 9:32 am

It should be possible. It's a bit more work than for a more popular one, but we can give it a try.
Please create a feature request.
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Re: Servoy 2019.03

Postby swingman » Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:58 pm

Hi, I have decided not to ask for this feature. I need it NOW, so I built what I needed using the http plugin and it didn't take long and it works fine.
Christian Batchelor
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Re: Servoy 2019.03

Postby rafig » Thu Apr 04, 2019 3:26 pm

swingman wrote:Hi, I have decided not to ask for this feature. I need it NOW, so I built what I needed using the http plugin and it didn't take long and it works fine.

Hey Christian,
maybe you can share whatever is need with Servoy so they can easily add it??
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Re: Servoy 2019.03

Postby swingman » Thu Apr 04, 2019 4:10 pm

Hi Rafi,

I'm not using the new plugin, so it may not be of much help, also it is specific to VAT. But I can share the code once I have tidied it up.

For those of you not in the UK, the HMRC are forcing businesses to do their VAT digitally in 3 months time. They are taking away the web page where you fill in your VAT return! You have to submit data via the API. For most people that means using off-the-shelf accounting software. This is a threat to custom-made accounting systems. Rather than producing data to be input into the online form, they have to be modified to submit data to the API.

It would be good to have a way of feeding the oAuth plugin custom list of endpoints to make it work with any service. But maybe it is a bit more complicated, there is custom info in the headers etc...
Christian Batchelor
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Re: Servoy 2019.03

Postby rafig » Thu Apr 04, 2019 5:34 pm

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