Servoy 2020.03.3_LTS

Servoy announcements

Servoy 2020.03.3_LTS

Postby jcompagner » Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:43 pm

We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 2020.03.3_LTS (release number 3565)

This version is available through the the download site

or through the update site URL: (this wil only work if you come from a 2020.3 or lower release, you can't "update" from 2020.06/09)
If you want to use the LTS release enable the above lts update site and disable the 'latest' update site so you only update to lts updates.

This includes a bunch of fixes that are also already in 2020.12 and a few more, see 2020.03.3_lts_fixes

For solutions that are already in production it is a good idea to stick to this version if you don't need to newer features right now.
Johan Compagner
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