Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

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Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby jcompagner » Tue Jul 25, 2023 5:04 pm

We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS (release number 3845)

See 2023.3.3_lts_fixes for the list of fixes for this release since 2023.3.2 (where this release is build on top of)

This version is available through the download site

or through the update site URL:
If you want to use the LTS release enable the above LTS update site and disable the 'latest' update site so you only update to LTS updates.

if you want to stick to the 2022 LTS (2022.3.5 LTS) then disabled the lts and latest updates sites, and add this site:

You are strongly recommended to move over to one of the supported branches (2022 LTS, this 2023.3.3_LTS or 2023 Latest)

For solutions that are already in production it is a good idea to stick to this version (2023.3.x) or move this year to this version.
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby huber » Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:32 am

Thanks to the Servoy team for the Servoy Developer 2023.3.3_LTS version. One thing I noticed: In the problems tab it reports "Project 'xy' has no explicit encoding set. And there are 2 warnings for function createFolder in svyDataUtils.js, and function Logger in svyLogManager.js.
Robert Huber
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby jcompagner » Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:06 am

huber wrote:Thanks to the Servoy team for the Servoy Developer 2023.3.3_LTS version. One thing I noticed: In the problems tab it reports "Project 'xy' has no explicit encoding set.

that is an eclipse warning (not directly servoy)
but you can quick fix that (but i think then you get a bit os specific (like windows encoding))
i think its better to just set that encoding to UTF-8

set project encoding.png
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby huber » Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:58 am

Thanks for the tip, unfortunately it does not solve the warnings. By default both radio buttons were set to "Inherited from container (UTF-8)" and "Inherited from container (UNIX)".

Setting the radio buttons explicitly to other: UTF-8, and other: UNIX did not make any difference, as it already inherited these settings from the container.
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby huber » Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:25 pm

1) To be sure I understand the change from bootstrap theme to alpine theme for ng-grids (AG Grids) that means for an ng-grid component the styleClass has now for example to be set to "ag-theme-alpine" and both the NG1 style file selector as well as the NG2 style file selector have to be changed to ag-theme-alpine?

2) In the styleClass property, I have sometimes combinations of two styles, like "ag-theme-bootstrap bottomBorder" which work for NG1, but not for NG2. Is this not supported anymore with alpine?

3) And last question, what means in the 2023.03 (LTS) docs under UI/CSS changes:
AGGrid (nggrid) dropped the theme (bootstrap) completely and is now fully on alpine (Possible breaking for your NGGrid styling) So we adjusted our stuff to also be on that including our theme, so make sure you update to the 2023.03 theme if you use the Servoy theming.

Where should I update to the 2023.03 theme?

Thanks and regards,
Robert Huber
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby Gabi Boros » Mon Aug 21, 2023 1:55 pm

- for ng1 we stopped upgrading the aggrid library at v21.2.2 (released on 27 feb 2019), so there
nothing changed related to themes, it is still uses 'ag-theme-bootstrap';
- for TiNG we are trying to keep-up with the latest aggrid library, lts using v29.2.0 (released on 21 mar 2023),
but as recently aggrid dropped completely 'ag-theme-bootstrap', we also needed to change the theme, so we switched
to 'ag-theme-alpine' but this is ONLY in TiNG;

now for your questions:
1. for TiNG you must use 'ag-theme-alpine' for style, there is no more 'ag-theme-bootstrap' in lastest aggrid libs;
for NG1 you don't need to do any changes, 'ag-theme-bootstrap' should work fine, for convenience, if 'ag-theme-alpine' is
set as style, we just map that to 'ag-theme-bootstrap' at runtime, so you don't need to constantly change the styles,
if you're running both NG1 & TiNG;

2. 'ag-theme-bootstrap bottomBorder' in NG1 should be replaced with 'ag-theme-alpine bottomBorder' for TiNG - this should work fine,
if not, fill in a case, so we can investigate;

3. it means that, in TiNG, if you have in the solution stylesheet changes that are targeting the grids, that were created when the TiNG
grids still used 'ag-theme-bootstrap', those may not work, and may need to be adapated to the new default 'ag-theme-alpine'
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby huber » Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:42 pm

It could be fixed by using Quick Fix in the problems tab and seems to be a persistent fix.

jcompagner wrote:
huber wrote:Thanks to the Servoy team for the Servoy Developer 2023.3.3_LTS version. One thing I noticed: In the problems tab it reports "Project 'xy' has no explicit encoding set.

that is an eclipse warning (not directly servoy)
but you can quick fix that (but i think then you get a bit os specific (like windows encoding))
i think its better to just set that encoding to UTF-8

set project encoding.png
Robert Huber
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby huber » Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:01 am

Hi Gabi

Thanks a lot for your explanations, which help vey much, especially to know that you translate the ag-theme-alpine back to ag-theme-bootstrap for the NG1 client.

2. The translation doesn't (seem to) work for a combination of two styles. For example, setting the styleClass property of a Data Grid (Servoy NG-Grids) to:

Code: Select all
ag-theme-alpine bottomBorder

and having the following 2 style sheet selectors in the NG1 style sheet:

Code: Select all
.ag-theme-bootstrap .ag-header {
   font-weight: bold;

Code: Select all
.bottomBorder {
   border-bottom: 2px solid red;

nullifies the .ag-theme-bootstrap, i.e. ignores the font-weight: bold (and of course any other settings in this selector).

Interestingly, setting the styleClass property to: ag-theme-bootstrap ag-theme-alpine bottomBorder, makes the font-weight reappear. But this of course is not a solution.
Robert Huber
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby huber » Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:33 pm

As an information, I get following 2 warnings in the Problems tab of Servoy Developer 2023.3.3:

Code: Select all
Description   Resource   Path   Location   Type
The function createFolder(Object) is not applicable for the arguments (plugins.file.JSFile)   svyDataUtils.js   /svyUtils   line 1085   JavaScript Problem
The function Logger({name:String, effectiveLevel:Level, log:function(Level, AbstractMessage)},[AbstractMessageFactory]) is not applicable for the arguments ({parent:LoggerConfig, isRoot:Boolean, children:Array<LoggerConfig>, loggerLevel:Level, appenderCache, name:String, externalLogger:Logger, appenderCacheInvalidated:Boolean, effectiveLevel:Level, appenders:Array<{appender:AbstractAppender,level:Level}>, additive:Boolean},AbstractMessageFactory)   svyLogManager.js   /svyUtils   line 1171   JavaScript Problem

Servoy Packages are updated to the latest.
Robert Huber
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby jcompagner » Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:40 pm

huber wrote:As an information, I get following 2 warnings in the Problems tab of Servoy Developer 2023.3.3:

Code: Select all
Description   Resource   Path   Location   Type
The function createFolder(Object) is not applicable for the arguments (plugins.file.JSFile)   svyDataUtils.js   /svyUtils   line 1085   JavaScript Problem
The function Logger({name:String, effectiveLevel:Level, log:function(Level, AbstractMessage)},[AbstractMessageFactory]) is not applicable for the arguments ({parent:LoggerConfig, isRoot:Boolean, children:Array<LoggerConfig>, loggerLevel:Level, appenderCache, name:String, externalLogger:Logger, appenderCacheInvalidated:Boolean, effectiveLevel:Level, appenders:Array<{appender:AbstractAppender,level:Level}>, additive:Boolean},AbstractMessageFactory)   svyLogManager.js   /svyUtils   line 1171   JavaScript Problem

Servoy Packages are updated to the latest.

this is a known issue, and already fixed.
The problem was that the docs for the plugins where for some reason not fully correctly generated.
you can fix that by downloading: ...

and then unzipping the application_sever\plugins
and use copy our plugins in that zip over yours.
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby Gabi Boros » Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:47 pm

huber wrote:Hi Gabi

Thanks a lot for your explanations, which help vey much, especially to know that you translate the ag-theme-alpine back to ag-theme-bootstrap for the NG1 client.

2. The translation doesn't (seem to) work for a combination of two styles. For example, setting the styleClass property of a Data Grid (Servoy NG-Grids) to:

Code: Select all
ag-theme-alpine bottomBorder

and having the following 2 style sheet selectors in the NG1 style sheet:

Code: Select all
.ag-theme-bootstrap .ag-header {
   font-weight: bold;

Code: Select all
.bottomBorder {
   border-bottom: 2px solid red;

nullifies the .ag-theme-bootstrap, i.e. ignores the font-weight: bold (and of course any other settings in this selector).

Interestingly, setting the styleClass property to: ag-theme-bootstrap ag-theme-alpine bottomBorder, makes the font-weight reappear. But this of course is not a solution.

as there is no 'ag-theme-alpine' in NG and no 'ag-theme-bootstrap' in TiNG, and you want to run your solution in both, the only way to do this I think is like you wrote, setting the styleClass property to: ag-theme-bootstrap ag-theme-alpine bottomBorder; I'm not sure why you say that 'this is not a solution'?
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby huber » Tue Aug 22, 2023 3:50 pm

Coming from SC to NG1, and later on to NG2, we have to run both NG1, and NG2 for development purposes. Isn't that the normal way (if you don't start from scratch directly to NG2)?

In your reply from August, 21, 1:55pm, you say in 1. that Servoy maps the selector ag-theme-alpine to ag-them-bootstrap. So I understood, I can set in the styleClass property of the form ag-theme-alpine and Servoy maps it for NG1 at runtime to ag-theme-bootstrap.

If I have to set both ag-theme-bootstrap, and ag-theme-alpine, then I have to sometime in the future, when NG1 is obsolete, remove any ag-theme-bootstrap (in the styleClass property) in every form using an NG-Grid. This would be quite a lot of work.

Also, if there is only ag-theme-alpine without another style, the mapping seems to work. The problem arises when having more than one selector set in the styleClass property.
Robert Huber
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby Gabi Boros » Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:15 pm

yes, we indeed only replace the styleClass if there is only 'ag-theme-alpine' is set:
Code: Select all
<div style="height: 100%;" class="ag-table" ng-class="model.styleClass === 'ag-theme-alpine' ? 'ag-theme-bootstrap' : model.styleClass" sablo-tabseq="model.tabSeq"></div>

I can change that, to do a replace of 'ag-theme-alpine' also when there are more classes specified, but when NG1 will be obsolete you will still have 'ag-theme-bootstrap' in your solution stylesheet,
that you will need to cleanup, like
Code: Select all
.ag-theme-bootstrap .ag-header {
   font-weight: bold;
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby huber » Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:35 pm

Hi Gabi

We very much appreciate it if you can change that and do a replace of 'ag-theme-alpine' also when there are more classes specified.

We have 2 different style sheets for NG1 and NGTi, as you (Servoy) offer an automatic switching when the style sheet is named "solution.less" for NG1, then Servoy looks for "solution_ng2.less" for NGTi. So the cleaning looks very easy as the style sheets are separated.

Would be enormous helpful if the solution would find its way into Servoy Developer 2023.3.4.

Thanks and regards,
Robert Huber
7r AG, Switzerland
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Re: Servoy 2023.3.3_LTS

Postby Gabi Boros » Wed Aug 23, 2023 3:22 pm

huber wrote:Hi Gabi

We very much appreciate it if you can change that and do a replace of 'ag-theme-alpine' also when there are more classes specified.

We have 2 different style sheets for NG1 and NGTi, as you (Servoy) offer an automatic switching when the style sheet is named "solution.less" for NG1, then Servoy looks for "solution_ng2.less" for NGTi. So the cleaning looks very easy as the style sheets are separated.

Would be enormous helpful if the solution would find its way into Servoy Developer 2023.3.4.

Thanks and regards,

the fix is in the component, and it is just released (Servoy NG-Grid 2023.3.4) - you can update to it via SPM
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