Servoy 2.1.1 final Available

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Servoy 2.1.1 final Available

Postby Jan Blok » Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:47 pm

Servoy 2.1.1 Final is now available for download.

We would like to thank all release candidate testers for testing.

Make a backup of your current Servoy installation directory if you plan to upgrade or perform a clean installation into a new directory.

You can download Servoy 2.1.1 from the download section on the developer website at:

Enhancements and fixes:
[enh]-Client reconnect to servers improvements for bad internet connections like over GPRS
[enh]-Client continues working when after PC hibernate it gets used again from new IP address
[enh]-When all toolbars are invisible the empty toolbar no longer occupy space
[enh]-Find is now possible on a foundset that is not updateable for the user.
[enh]-possible to do foundset.clearFoundSet() in onLoad method to prevent form being loaded with data on initial show
[enh]-better "not null" support in SQL fired by Servoy
[enh]-in foundsetFilterParams null values can be used
[enh]-made stylesheets better cascade.
[enh]-getCaretPosition/setCaretPosition op textelements
[enh]-better null support in SQL updates fired by Servoy
[enh]-element copy/paste to other form does not change the name
[enh]-db defined relations are partly editable
[enh]-print(preview) performance enhancement when no sliding is used
[enh]-agent plugin balloon size can be changed
[enh]-mail plugin now supports pop3, move sample code for demo of usage.
[enh]-added dbtreeview bean, import example solution BookStudy (with sample data) for demo of usage.
[fix]-Resize client fix, form is layout correctly to the new size.
[fix]-Images display problems
[fix]-Altering Arrays after stored in a global.
[fix]-I18N save/cancel fixes
[fix]-Label button also takes focus, so that values are committed before action.
[fix]-Locking a record icw data notify from calc made the acquire Lock fail without reason
[fix]-Deadlock possible when new client connecting to server during a solution import via admin page.
[fix]-lookup usage icw a related valuelist
[fix]-valuelist dialog behavior not always consistent
[fix]-aggregate sometimes displays wrong result in sub summary part
[fix]-TypeAhead field when using related valuelists
[fix]-when using saveData call in solution startup script
[fix]-when form in dialog, and escape is pressed when in textfield it performed a loadAllRecords
[fix]-menu items enabling when leaving find
[fix]-icon are better displayed and always printed correctly
[fix]-LAF not correctly saved when dialog is closed with escape.
[fix]-better sync between i18n dialog and i18n panel from text property
[fix]-cache cleared to early when making new record
[fix]-corrected tableview field copy&paste possibility when not editable
[fix]-for print(preview) 200 rec. limit when printing labels
[fix]-for bgcolorCalc form property (not working under all conditions)
[fix]-typeahead when focus is directly lost again:
[fix]-JDK 5.0 selection fixes
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:15 am
Location: Amsterdam

Postby ROCLASI » Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:01 pm

No auto-update anymore ?
Or is that being prepared?
Robert Ivens
SAN Developer / Servoy Valued Professional / Servoy Certified Developer

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Postby Jan Blok » Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:38 am

yes prepared, took us some time, is available now.
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:15 am
Location: Amsterdam

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