Servoy 2.2 Documentation is Available

Servoy announcements

Servoy 2.2 Documentation is Available

Postby mnorman » Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:12 pm

The Servoy 2.2 documentation is now available.

In addition to including all of the new functionality in Servoy 2.2, the
Servoy 2.2 documentation has been expanded by over 200 pages; over
300 screenshots and examples have been updated; all Servoy design
time properties have been indexed; 400 new index entries have been
added; as well as chapters and/or sections have been added and/or

A list of all the major enhancements and changes are included in detail at
the end of this announcement - separately for each Servoy book by
chapter and section(s).

Servoy provides documentation in three formats:

Servoy Books
Servoy Downloadable PDF Files
Servoy Online Help

Servoy 2.2 Books

These Servoy 2.2 books can be purchased from the online Servoy Store:

Servoy Developer Edition Volume 1: User's Guide [ info ]
Servoy Developer Edition Volume 2: Reference Guide [ info ]
Servoy Client Edition User's Guide [ info ]
Servoy Application Server Administrator's Guide [ info ]
Servoy Advanced Programming Guide for FileMaker Developers [ info ]

For more detail about a Servoy book in the Servoy Store:

1. Click the Servoy Store link.
2. Scroll down to the "Books" section in the Servoy Store.
3. You will see an information button [ i ] located to the left of each Servoy Book title.
4. Click the information button [ i ] for the Servoy Book you are interested in.

If you find the Servoy documentation helpful in developing your solutions,
please consider purchasing one or more of the Servoy Books. Your
purchases help to pay for the cost of providing and constantly improving
Servoy's documentation (now almost 2000 pages with screenshots
and examples), as well as being able to currently offer all of the Servoy
documentation in pdf format for you to download free of charge.

Servoy 2.2 PDF Files

The Servoy 2.2 documentation pdf files are available for download.
Choose the online Servoy Developers/Documentation link to view the
list of available pdf files.

Servoy 2.2 Online Help

Servoy 2.2 Online Help has been available since the release of Servoy 2.2.

Servoy 2.2 Client Edition Help is included as part of the Servoy
installation and is made available when deploying to Servoy Clients.
Choose Help > Help to open the Servoy Client Help Navigator.

Servoy Application Server 2.2 documentation is included as a pdf file
when Servoy is installed. The Servoy Server pdf file is located in the
Servoy/docs folder/directory.

The Servoy Developer 2.2 online help combines the information from
Servoy Developer Edition Volume 1: User's Guide and Volume 2:
Reference Guide into one file.

To open the Servoy Help Navigator:

1. Make sure that Designer is the active window in Servoy Developer .
2. Choose Help > Help (F1).

NOTE: If you have just performed a full install of Servoy 2.2, then Servoy
Developer Help will not be included in the installation. To install Servoy
Developer 2.2 Help, Choose Help > Help (F1). In the install dialog that
appears, press "Download". Be patient since the Help download is fairly
large (26MB). Once the Help download is complete, you will be able to
access the Servoy Help Navigator by choosing Help (F1) from the Help menu.

To find out more about the Servoy Help Navigator features:

1. Choose Help > Help (F1).
2. Click once to open the "Contents" tab of the Help Navigator.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the "Contents" tab.
4. Double click on "Appendix".
5. Double click on "The Servoy Help Navigator" section.

Searching for a Servoy 2.2 function or property in the Help Navigator

As of Servoy 2.2, all Servoy functions, run time properties and design
time properties have been added as separate index entries - and as a
result, can be searched for by the name of the function or property.

To find the topic that contains a Servoy function or property:

1. Choose Help > Help to open the Servoy Help Navigator.
2. Click once to open the "Index" tab.
3. Type one or more letters of the function you are searching for.
4. Select the desired function or property from the Index entry list.
5. Double click on the appropriate topic from the Topic list at the bottom of the "Index" tab.

To find the instance(s) of the function or property within a topic:

1. Make sure that the desired topic is already open.
(Follow the steps listed above to search for a topic.)

2. Choose Tools > Find (CTRL-F/CMD-F)
3. Type in the criteria you wish to search for in "Find What".
4. Press the "Find Next" button.
5. The first instance of your search criteria will be highlighted.
6. Repeat step 4 for each additional instance of the search criteria.

NOTE: The steps shown above are available in the Servoy Developer
Edition User's Guide, p. 628; in the Servoy Developer Edition User's Guide
pdf file; and is also included in The Servoy Help Navigator section of the
Appendix - search for "Servoy Help Find Dialog".

Enhancements - Servoy Developer Edition Volume 1: User's Guide

Enh - Getting Started; Servoy concepts - added module defintion.
Enh - Forms; Form properties; Adding background color to rows.
Enh - Forms; Form Elements; Placing elements on forms; Setting the Tab sequence.
Enh - Forms; Form Elements; Fields; Field mask formatting.
Enh - Forms; Form Elements; Fields; Formatting text strings.
Enh - Forms; Form Elements; Fields; Tabpanels - updated.
Enh - Methods; The Servoy Editor; Script editor; Using Search Method.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Introduction to modules.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Modules and renaming considerations.]
Enh - Servoy Modules; Calling module methods.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Module behaviors.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Creating modules.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Renaming modules.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Replacing an existing module.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Adding modules.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Module access to multiple solutions.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Adding a module to an open solution.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Deleting modules.
Enh - Servoy Modules; Removing a module from an open solution.
Enh - Settings; Choosing a solution type.
Enh - Deployment; Servoy Headless Client.
Enh - Toolbars - added Show/Sample names toolbar control.
Enh - Repository; Repository versioning; To replace tables in a release.

Enh - onPreviousRecordCmd - form (property; design time)
Enh - onNextRecordCmd - form (property; design time)

Enhancements - Servoy Developer Edition Volume 2: Reference Guide

Enh - Styles; Defining Servoy styles; CSS commenting.
Enh - Styles; Defining Servoy styles; Removing/Deleting Servoy styles.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules; Methods, Module globals.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules; Methods, Module Global variables.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules; Methods, Module Global methods.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules; Methods, Module forms.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules; Methods, Module form functions.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules; Methods, Module elements.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules; Methods, Module selectedrecord.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules; Methods, Module foundset.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules; Methods, Module relations.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Methods, Plugins, PDF_Output plugins.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Methods, Plugins, PDF_Output plugins; PDF forms.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Methods, Plugins, PDF_Output plugins; PDF printing.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Methods, Plugins, PDF_Output plugins; PDF rendering.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Methods, Plugins, Amortization.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Methods, Plugins, Amortization; AmortizationCalculation.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Methods, Plugins, Amortization; Polynomial.
Enh - Deployment; Servoy Headless Client.
Enh - Deployment; Servoy Headless Client; Introduction to SHC.
Enh - Deployment; Servoy Headless Client; Installing SHC.
Enh - Deployment; Servoy Headless Client; Using SHC.
Enh - Deployment; Servoy Headless Client; SHC functions.
Enh - Servoy Runtime Builder - moved from Servoy Developer Edition Volume 1.
Enh - Servoy Runtime Builder; Creating a new runtime database.
Enh - Servoy Runtime Builder; Creating a runtime database connection.
Enh - Servoy Runtime Builder; Opening Servoy Runtime Builder.
Enh - Servoy Runtime Builder; Closing Servoy Runtime Builder.
Enh - Servoy Runtime Builder; Creating a Servoy Runtime project.
Enh - Servoy Runtime Builder; Deleting a Servoy Runtime project.
Enh - Servoy Runtime Builder; Launching a Servoy Runtime application.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - addClientInfo (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - createJPGImage (function; was createThumbnailJPGImage).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - getActiveClientCount (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - getClientCountForInfo (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - getCurrentLookAndFeelName (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - getLicenseNames (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - getSolutionName (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - getSolutionRelease (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - getUserProperty (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - getValueListName (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - isLastPrintPreviewPrinted (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - overrideStyle (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - setUserProperty (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Application - addClientInfo (function).

Enh - Methods; Forms - allNames (property; runtime)
Enh - Methods; Forms; elements; field - caretPosition (property; runtime).
Enh - Methods; Forms; elements; field - format (property; runtime).
Enh - Methods; Forms: elements; field - getValueListName (function).
Enh - Methods; Forms: elements; portal - getName (function).
Enh - Methods; Forms: elements; tab - addTab (function).
Enh - Methods; Forms: elements; tab - getSelectedTabFormName (function).
Enh - Methods; Forms: elements; tab - getTabNameAt (function).
Enh - Methods; Forms: elements; tab - removeTabAt (function).
Enh - Methods; Forms: elements; tab - setTabEnabled (function).

Enh - Methods; Database Manager - addTableFilterParam (function).
Enh - Methods; Database Manager - getServerNames (function).
Enh - Methods; Database Manager - hasRecordChanges (function).
Enh - Methods; Database Manager - recalculate (function).

Enh - Methods; Database Manager; JSDataSet - getAsText (function).
Enh - Methods; Database Manager; JSDataSet - getRowAsArray (function).
Enh - Methods; Database Manager; JSDataSet - removeRow (function).
Enh - Methods; Database Manager; JSDataSet - sort (function).

Enh - Methods; Database Manager; JSTable - getQuotedSQLName (function).

Enh - Methods; Database Manager; JSColumn - getAllowNull (function).
Enh - Methods; Database Manager; JSColumn - getQualifiedName (function).
Enh - Methods; Database Manager; JSColumn - getQuotedSQLName (function).

Enh - Methods; History - getFormName (function).

Enh - Methods; I18N - getDefaultDateFormat (function).
Enh - Methods; I18N - getDefaultNumberFormat (function).
Enh - Methods; I18N - setLocale (function).

Enh - Methods; Plugins; agent plugin - setBaloonSize (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; agent plugin - setLocation (function).

Enh - Methods; Plugins; file plugin - createTempFile (moved from Application; function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; file plugin - readFile (moved from Application; function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; file plugin - readTxtFile (moved from Application; function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; file plugin - showDirectorySelectDialog (moved from Application; function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; file plugin - showFileOpenDialog (moved from Application; function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; file plugin - showFileSaveDialog (moved from Application; function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; file plugin - writeFile (moved from Application; function).

Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin - receiveMail (function).

Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getAttachments (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getCCAddresses (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getFromAddresses (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getHeaders (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getHtmlMessage (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getPlainMesssage (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getReceiveDate (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getRecipientAddresses (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getReplyAddresses (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getSentDate (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; mail plugin; MailMessage - getSubject (function).

Enh - Methods; Plugins; pdf_output plugin - convertPDFFormToPDFDocument (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; pdf_output plugin - endMetaPrintJob (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; pdf_output plugin - getPDFPrinter (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; pdf_output plugin - getPagesPrinted (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; pdf_output plugin - getTotalPagesPrinted (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; pdf_output plugin - insertFontDirectory (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; pdf_output plugin - startMetaPrintJob (function).

Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin - newCalculation (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin - newPolynomial (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin - nextDate (function).

Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - addCompoundPeriodChange (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - addLoan (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - addPayment (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - addRateChange (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - calculateAmortizationSchedule (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - getAmrotizationSchedule (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - getError (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - getEvents (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - getRestBalance (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - getUnknown (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - isValidPeriod (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - roundMoney (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - solveForUnknown (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; AmortizationCalculation - sortEvents (function).

Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; Polynomial - addPolynomial (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; Polynomial - addTerm (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; Polynomial - findRoot (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; Polynomial - getDerivative (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; Polynomial - getDerivativeValue (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; Polynomial - getValue (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; Polynomial - multiplyByPolynomial (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; Polynomial - multiplyByTerm (function).
Enh - Methods; Plugins; amortization plugin; Polynomial - setToZero (function).

Enh - Servoy Headless Client - setMainForm (function).

Enhancements - Servoy Application Server Administrator's Guide

Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Mac OS X.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Linux/Unix; Using a command line with Linux/Unix.
Enh - Managing with Servoy Server; Database performance.
Enh - Advanced Options; Configuring Servoy SSL.
Enh - Advanced Options; Configuring Servoy SSL; SSL Keystore.
Enh - Advanced Options; Configuring Servoy SSL; SSL Truststore.
Enh - Advanced Options; Configuring Servoy SSL; Keytool.

Marc Norman
Last edited by mnorman on Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 106
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:50 pm
Location: Alturas, CA

Postby IT2Be » Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:27 pm


-although often 'undervalued' when we can not find what we want to find;
-although documentation lives in the shade of what they are made for;
-although it is hard to keep up with the speed of changes within Servoy;
-although documentation of this kind is only frequented when there is already an issue (and therefore a lack of patience);
in short
-although we often THINK unchristian words against your documentation :wink:

I think I can speak for everybody when I say that your work is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED...

Thank you :)
Marcel J.G. Trapman (IT2BE)
SAN partner - Freelance Java and Servoy
Servoy Components - IT2BE Plug-ins and Beans for Servoy
ServoyForge - Open Source Components for Servoy
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thanks for the "delta" info

Postby kazar » Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:07 pm

... Marc, most especially

Thanks for the list of specific changes to the docs. Huge time-saver for us (and I'm sure huge time-consumer for you!)

The Servoy docs are among the best I've seen among tech manuals.

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Posts: 367
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Location: New York City

Postby Harry Catharell » Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:53 pm

Hi all,

Two points to make:

1) Kudos to Marc for a terrific effort from him (and the other Servoy staff who are no doubt involved in this too) in creating such a great on line help facility and document set. Both of these items are indispensible to me on a DAILY basis. The update to the docs is a major rev and Marc's job is made doubly difficult when the 'Seven Dudes' make so many innovative changes in such a short time frame :-) [Guys, take a day off, please !!!]

2) Secondly a small tip for those who may not know it - If you have upgraded your current Servoy application to the latest 2.2 version via an on line update through the 'beta notifies' status in your Servoy prefs then you may not have the latest on line help files ! So go to your Servoy -> Docs -> Developer Manual folder and empty out all the help pages from it. Then launch Servoy Developer and try to open 'help' and it will recognise that it doesn't have any help files and offer to download the latest help files - which includes all the 2.2 updates.

Oh, and one final parting shot and a tip of the hat to Ilyse, once again, where if you took good advantage of her redefined help stylesheet to make the on line help more readable - remove the file called 'stylesheet.css' first before deleting the others and then replace it when the new help has been downloaded, overwriting the newly downloaded one and you keep the wonderful font changes which she fashioned !!!!

Harry Catharell
Posts: 812
Joined: Fri Sep 26, 2003 10:23 am
Location: Milton Keynes, England

kazar is ilyse is kazar

Postby kazar » Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:11 pm

For those of you who may not know me from FileMaker Pro discussion forums, "Ilyse" is "kazarnyc", and by very old habit (dating back to eWorld, even before that to Prodigy on a DOS machine) I sign myself "kazar".

Harry is referring to the alternative Servoy Developer help file I tweaked up for easy readbility on high-resolution monitors. It can be downloaded at
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