Servoy 2.2.3 Documentation is Available

Servoy announcements

Servoy 2.2.3 Documentation is Available

Postby mnorman » Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:05 pm

The Servoy 2.2.3 documentation is now available.

The Servoy 2.2.3 documentation has been expanded by 150 pages to
include: powerful new Servoy functions and plugins; new sections on
arrays, directory/file notation tables, form foundset options, batch
processing using Servoy Headless Client, running multiple instances of
Servoy Developer; and more. Over 300 screenshots have been updated or
added. 100 new index entries have been added and/or modified.

By developer request, all of the Servoy documentation PDF files - available
for free download - now contain bookmarks for all corresponding chapters
and sections.

A list of enhancements and changes are included in detail at the end
of this announcement - separately for each Servoy book by chapter
and section.

Servoy provides documentation in three formats:

Servoy Books
Servoy Downloadable PDF Files
Servoy Online Help Navigator

Servoy 2.2.3 Books

The following Servoy 2.2.3 Books can be purchased from the online Servoy Store:

Servoy Developer User's Guide [ info ]
Servoy Developer Reference Guide [ info ]
Servoy Client User's Guide [ info ]
Servoy Server Administrator's Guide [ info ]
Servoy Advanced Programming Guide for FileMaker Developers [ info ]

For more detail about any of the Servoy Books in the online Servoy Store:

1. Click the Servoy Store link.
2. Scroll down to the "Books" section in the Servoy Store.
3. You will see an information button [ i ] located to the left of each Servoy Book title.
4. Click the information button [ i ] for the Servoy Book you are interested in.

If you find the Servoy documentation helpful in developing your solutions,
please consider purchasing one or more of the Servoy Books. Your
purchases help to pay for the cost of writing and improving
Servoy's documentation - now 2000 pages with screenshots
and examples - as well as being able to currently provide all of the Servoy
documentation in PDF format for you to download free of charge.

Servoy 2.2.3 PDF Files

The Servoy 2.2.3 documentation PDF files are available for download.

1. Choose the online Servoy Developers/Documentation/Servoy Guides link to view the
list of Servoy documentation guides.

2. Click the title of the Servoy Guide you wish to download from the left
hand panel. To begin downloading, click once on the name of the guide
located at the top of the page and to the right of the word "Download".

Servoy 2.2.3 Online Help Navigator

The Servoy Developer 2.2.3 Help Navigator
To download the new Servoy Developer 2.2.3 Help Navigator:

1. Exit/Quit Servoy Developer.
(You can skip this step if Servoy Developer is not open)

2. Open the Servoy<install directory>/docs/developer_manual directory.

3. Delete ONLY the items INSIDE the developer_manual directory.
(If you have just installed a full verison of Servoy 2.2.3, you can skip this step.)

IMPORTANT: Do not delete the developer_manual directory/folder.

4. Launch Servoy Developer.

5. Choose the Servoy menu item Help > Help (F1).

6. In the Documentation dialog that appears, Press "OK" to start the

NOTE: You may need to wait a few minutes to complete the download.
Be patient since the Help download is fairly large (27MB). Once the
Help download is complete, you will be able to access the Servoy
Help Navigator by choosing Help (F1) from the Help menu.

7. Once the download is complete, the Servoy Help Navigator will open.

The Servoy 2.2.3 Client Help Navigator
Included as part of the Servoy installation and made available when deploying to Servoy Clients.

1. Choose Help > Help (F1) to open the Servoy Client Help Navigator.

The Servoy Server 2.2.3 documentation
Included as a PDF file when Servoy is installed. The ServoyServerManual.pdf file is located in the
Servoy<install directory>/docs directory.

1. Open the ServoyServerManual.pdf file.

2. Due to the large size of the Servoy Server documentation, you will need
to click the link in the open PDF document to download the actual Servoy
Server PDF file. The download may take a few minutes, since the size of
the Servoy Server PDF file is 18MB.

NOTE: The Servoy Developer 2.2.3 Help Navigator combines
the information from the Servoy Developer User's Guide and
Servoy Developer Reference Guide into one Online Help Navigator file.

To open the Servoy Help Navigator:

1. Launch/Restart Servoy Developer
(You can skip this step if Servoy Developer is already open.)

2. Make sure that Designer is the active window in Servoy Developer.

3. Choose Help > Help (F1).

To find out more about using the Servoy Online Help Navigator features:

1. Choose Help > Help (F1).
2. Click once to open the "Contents" tab of the Help Navigator.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the "Contents" tab.
4. Double click on "Appendix".
5. Double click on "The Servoy Help Navigator" section.

Searching for a Servoy 2.2.3 function or property in the Help Navigator:

As of Servoy 2.2.3, all Servoy functions, run time properties and design
time properties have been added as separate index entries - and as a
result, can be searched for by the name of the function or property.

To find the topic that contains a Servoy function or property:

1. Choose Help > Help to open the Servoy Help Navigator.
2. Click once to open the "Index" tab.
3. Type one or more letters of the function you are searching for.
4. Select the desired function or property from the Index entry list.
5. Double click on the appropriate topic from the Topic list at the bottom of the "Index" tab.

To find the instance(s) of the function or property within a topic:

1. Make sure that the desired topic is already open.
(Follow the steps listed above to search for a topic.)
2. Choose Tools > Find (CTRL-F/CMD-F).
3. Type in the criteria you wish to search for in "Find What".
4. Press the "Find Next" button.
5. The first instance of your search criteria will be highlighted.
6. Repeat step 4 for each additional instance of the search criteria.

NOTE: The steps shown above are available in the Servoy Developer
User's Guide, p. 641; in the Servoy Developer User's Guide pdf file; and is
also included in The Servoy Help Navigator section of the
Appendix - search for "Servoy Help Find Dialog".

Enhancements - Servoy Developer User's Guide

Enh - What Is Servoy; Supported databases - added Oracle 10g, MS SQL
Server 2005.

Enh - Installation; Windows: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Macintosh: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Linux and FreeBSD on x86: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Solaris on Sparc: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Linux/Unix installation: Performing an unattended Servoy installation - added section.

Enh - Getting Started; Finding data - modified content.
Enh - Getting Started; Editing data; Using image field context menu... - added section.

Enh - Solutions; Introduction - modified content.
Enh - Solutions; Defining relations; The Relations dialog - modified content.
Enh - Solutions; Types of valuelists; Custom Values - modified content.

Enh - Dataproviders; Introduction - modified content.
Enh - Dataproviders; Creating globals - modified content.
Enh - Dataproviders; Creating calculations - modified content.
Enh - Dataproviders; Creating calculations; The Servoy Calculation Editor - modified content.
Enh - Dataproviders; Creating aggregations - modified content.

Enh - Forms; Form properties - added styleClass
Enh - Forms; Form properties; Specifying methods for form properties - added onSearchCmd.
Enh - Forms; Form elements; Placing elements on forms - modified content.
Enh - Forms; Form elements; Viewing elements on forms - added section.
Enh - Forms; Form elements; Fields: Calling a method directly from a field - modified content.
Enh - Forms; Form elements; Fields; Formatting text strings - modified content.
Enh - Forms; Form elements; Fields; Formatting numbers and currencies - modified content.
Enh - Forms; Form elements; Tabpanels - modified content.

Enh - Styles; Servoy Styles; Defining Servoy Styles; CSS comments - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Introduction to methods - modified content.
Enh - Methods; The Servoy Editor - modified content.
Enh - Methods; The Servoy Editor; Section 1: Main Tree - modified content.
Enh - Methods; The Servoy Editor; Section 2: List - modified content.

Enh - Database Connections; Creating a new database; Creating a database with Sybase Central - modified content.
Enh - Database Connections; Creating a new database; Creating a database using a command line - modified content.
Enh - Database Connections; Adding a database to the config file; Adding a database (located in Servoy/database) to the config file - added section.
Enh - Database Connections; Adding a database to the config file; Adding a database (located in a different directory) to the config file - added section.
Enh - Database Connections; Recognizing a new database in Servoy; Stopping the SQL Repository server: Windows - modified content.
Enh - Database Connections; Recognizing a new database in Servoy; Stopping the SQL Repository server: Macintosh - modified content.
Enh - Database Connections; Recognizing a new database in Servoy; Stopping the SQL Repository server: Linux/Unix - modified content.

Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Windows; Creating a service with Sybase Central - modified content.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Windows; Changing the config file for a database service - modified content.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Windows; Stopping the iAnywhere service: Windows - modified content.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Mac OS X; Creating a database service on Mac OS X - added section.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Mac OS X; Stopping the iAnywhere service: Mac OS X - added section.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Linux/Unix; Creating a database service on Linux/Unix - added section.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Mac OS X; Stopping the iAnywhere service: Linux/Unix - added section.

Enh - Backing Up and Restoring a Database; Backing up your iAnywhere ASA database - modified content.
Enh - Backing Up and Restoring a Database; Restoring your iAnywhere ASA database - modified content.

Enh - Settings; Application preferences - modified content.
Enh - Settings; Application preferences; Preferences, Designer - modified content.

Enh - Appendix; Keyboard shortcuts - modified content.

Enh - Index - modified content.

Enhancements - Servoy Developer Reference Guide

Enh - What Is Servoy; Supported databases - added Oracle 10g, MS SQL
Server 2005.

Enh - Installation; Windows: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Macintosh: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Linux and FreeBSD on x86: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Solaris on Sparc: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Linux/Unix installation: Performing an unattended Servoy installation - added section.

Enh - Forms; Form properties - added styleClass
Enh - Forms; Form properties; Specifying methods for form properties - added onSearchCmd.
Enh - Forms; Form foundset - added section.

Enh - Styles; Servoy Styles; Defining Servoy Styles; CSS comments - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Introduction to methods - modified content.

Enh - Methods; The Solution Object Model (SOM) - modified content.

Enh - Methods; The Servoy Editor - modified content.
Enh - Methods; The Servoy Editor; Section 1: Main Tree - modified content.
Enh - Methods; The Servoy Editor; Section 2: List - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Servoy Editor functions - added section.
Enh - Methods; Servoy Editor functions; Function parameters and arguments - added section.
Enh - Methods; Servoy Editor functions; Function parameters and arguments; Function parameter - added section.
Enh - Methods; Servoy Editor functions; Function parameters and arguments; Function argument - added section.
Enh - Methods; Servoy Editor functions; Passing arguments to methods - added section.

Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - modified/expanded section.
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array; Array elements - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array; Array index - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array; Array data types - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array; Array object - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - Array() (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - Array(number) (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - Array(value1, value2) (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - Array() (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - length (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - index (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - ['name'] (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - concat (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - join (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - pop (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - push (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - reverse (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - shift (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - slice (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - sort (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - splice (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - split (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - toSource (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - toString (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods, JS Lib, Array - unshift (function).

Enh - Methods; Methods, Application; addClientInfo (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods, Application; createJPGImage (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods, Application; executeProgramInBackground (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods, Application; addClientInfo (function) - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Globals - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Globals; Calling methods using global variables - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Globals; Calling methods using global variables; allVariables (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Globals; Global methods - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Globals; Global methods - allmethods (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Globals; Global relations - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Globals; Global relations - allrelations (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Globals; currentcontroller - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms - allnames (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms - allmethods (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms; Methods, Form functions; newRecord() (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms; Methods, Form elements - allnames (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms; Methods, Form selectedrecord - alldataproviders (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms; Methods, Form foundset - alldataproviders (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms; Methods, Form foundset; deleteAllRecords (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms; Methods, Form relations - allrelations (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms; Methods, Form relations - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms; Methods, Form relations - alldataproviders (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Forms; Methods, Form relations; newRecord() - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Modules; Module Global relations - added section.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Database Manager - addTableFilterParam (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Database Manager - copyMatchingColumns (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Database Manager - switchServer (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Database Manager; DatabaseManager: JSFoundsetUpdater - next (function) - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Utils - getUnicodeCharacter (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Utils - hasRecords (function).

Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins - allnames (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; convertStringToJSFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; copyFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; copyFolder (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; createFolder (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; deleteFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; deleteFolder (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; getFolderContents (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; getModificationDate (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; moveFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; readTXTFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; showFileOpenDialog (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; writeFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; writeTXTFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; writeXMLFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; canRead (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; canWrite (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; createNewFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; deleteFile (function) - modified content (was js_delete function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; exists (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; getAbsoluteFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; getAbsolutePath (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; getName (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; getParent (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; getParentFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; getPath (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; isAbsolute (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; isDirectory (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; isFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; isHidden (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; getAbsoluteFile (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; lastModified (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; list (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; listFiles (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; mkDir (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; mkDirs (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; renameTo (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; setLastModified (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; setReadOnly (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; File plugin; JSFile; setSize (function) - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Images plugin - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Images plugin - getImage (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Images plugin; JSImage - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Images plugin; JSImage - getContentType (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Images plugin; JSImage - getData (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Images plugin; JSImage - getHeight (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Images plugin; JSImage - getWidth (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Images plugin; JSImage - resize (function).

Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Kiosk plugin - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Kiosk plugin - setFullScreen (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Kiosk plugin - setMenuVisible (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Kiosk plugin - setToolbarVisible (function).

Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Mail plugin - getPlainMailAddresses (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Mail plugin; receiveMail (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Mail plugin; sendMail (function) - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; PDF_Output plugin - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; PDF_Output plugin; convertPDFFormToPDFDocument (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; PDF_Output plugin; getPDFPrinter (function) - modified content.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; PDF_Output plugin; insertFontDirectory (function) - modified content.

Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin - createCheckboxMenuItem (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin - createMenuItem (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin - createRadioButtonMenuItem (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin - showPopupMenu (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - enabled (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - methodArguments (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - name (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - selected (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - text (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - getMethodArguments (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - getName (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - getText (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - hashCode (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - isEnabled (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - isSelected (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - setEnabled (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - setMethodArguments (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - setName (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - setSelected (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Popupmenu plugin; JSMenu - setText (function).

Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; RawSQL plugin - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; RawSQL plugin - executeSQL (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; RawSQL plugin - flushAllClientsCache (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; RawSQL plugin - getExceptionMsg (function).

Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Spellcheck plugin - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; Spellcheck plugin - checkTextComponent (function).

Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin - createNewPacket (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin - getReceivedPacket (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin - sendPacket (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin - startSocket (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin - stopSocket (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin - testPacket (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - added section.
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - index (runtime property).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - getByteArray (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - getHost (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - getIndex (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - getLength (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - hashCode (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - readByte (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - readInt (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - readShort (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - readUTF (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - setIndex (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - writeByte (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - writeBytes (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - writeInt (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - writeShort (function).
Enh - Methods; Methods: Plugins; UDP plugin; JSPacket - writeUTF (function).

Enh - Plugins; Servoy Runtime Builder; Creating a Servoy runtime project - modified content.

Enh - Appendix; Directory/File path notation - added section.
Enh - Appendix; Directory/File path notation; Path types - added section.
Enh - Appendix; Directory/File path notation; Path types; Absolute path - added section.
Enh - Appendix; Directory/File path notation; Path types; Relative path - added section.
Enh - Appendix; Directory/File path notation; Path types; Volume-relative path - added section.
Enh - Appendix; Directory/File path notation; File path syntax: Windows - added section.
Enh - Appendix; Directory/File path notation; File path syntax: Mac OS X - added section.
Enh - Appendix; Directory/File path notation; File path syntax: Linux/Unix - added section.

Enh - Appendix; CSS Style properties - modified content.

Enh - Index - modified content.

Enhancements - Servoy Server Administrator's Guide

Enh - What Is Servoy; Supported databases - added Oracle 10g, MS SQL
Server 2005.

Enh - Installation; Windows: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Macintosh: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Linux and FreeBSD on x86: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Solaris on Sparc: System requirements - modified content.
Enh - Installation; Linux/Unix installation: Performing an unattended Servoy installation - added section.

Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Windows; Creating a service with Sybase Central - modified content.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Windows; Changing the config file fo a database service - modified content.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Windows; Stopping the iAnywhere service: Windows - modified content.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Mac OS X - added section.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Mac OS X; Creating a database service on Mac OS X - added section.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Mac OS X; Stopping the iAnywhere service: Mac OS X - added section.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Linux/Unix - added section.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Linux/Unix X; Creating a database service on Linux/Unix - added section.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Linux/Unix X; Creating a database service on Linux/Unix; Using a command line with Linux/Unix - added section.
Enh - Installing a Database as a Service; Database as a service: Linux/Unix X; Stopping the iAnywhere service: Linux/Unix - added section.

Enh - What is Servoy Server; Introduction to Servoy Server - modified content.
Enh - What is Servoy Server; Installing Servoy Server - modified content.
Enh - What is Servoy Server; Installing Servoy Server as a Windows service - added section.
Enh - What is Servoy Server; Installing Servoy Server as a Windows service; Reinstalling Servoy Server as a Windows service - added section.
Enh - What is Servoy Server; Uninstalling Servoy Server - added section.
Enh - What is Servoy Server; Uninstalling Servoy Server; nstalling Servoy Server as a Windows service - added section.

Enh - Configuring Servoy Server; Administration Console; What is the Administration Console - modified content.
Enh - Configuring Servoy Server; Introduction to Servoy Settings - modified content.
Enh - Configuring Servoy Server; Introduction to Servoy Settings; SQL Processor Server Plugin Settings - added section.
Enh - Configuring Servoy Server; Introduction to Servoy Settings; Mail Server Plugin Settings - added section.
Enh - Configuring Servoy Server; Introduction to Servoy Settings; PDF Forms Server Plugin Settings - added section.
Enh - Configuring Servoy Server; Starting up on Mac OS X/Linux/Unix - modified content.
Enh - Configuring Servoy Server; Manually starting Servoy Server on Mac OS X - added section.
Enh - Configuring Servoy Server; Auto starting Servoy Server as a service on Mac OS X - added section.
Enh - Configuring Servoy Server; Starting Servoy Server: Linux/Unix - added section.

Enh - Managing with Servoy Server - modified content.
Enh - Managing with Servoy Server; Clients - modified content.
Enh - Managing with Servoy Server; Clients; Client notification - modified content.
Enh - Managing with Servoy Server; Clients; Client disconnect - modified content.

Enh - Managing with Servoy Server; Batch Processors - added section.
Enh - Managing with Servoy Server; Batch Processors; Adding a new batch processor client - added section.
Enh - Managing with Servoy Server; Batch Processors; Removing a batch processor client - added section.
Enh - Managing with Servoy Server; Batch Processors; Editing a batch processor client - added section.
Enh - Managing with Servoy Server; Batch Processors; Starting a batch processor client - added section.
Enh - Managing with Servoy Server; Batch Processors; Adding a new batch processor client - added section.

Enh - Advanced Options; Introduction to advanced options - modified content.
Enh - Advanced Options; Running multiple instances of Servoy Developer - added section.
Enh - Advanced Options; Running multiple instances of Servoy Developer; Duplicating the file - added section.
Enh - Advanced Options; Running multiple instances of Servoy Developer; Running multiple instances of Servoy: Windows - added section.
Enh - Advanced Options; Running multiple instances of Servoy Developer; Running multiple instances of Servoy: Mac OS X - added section.
Enh - Advanced Options; Running multiple instances of Servoy Developer; Running multiple instances of Servoy: Linux/Unix - added section.

Enh - Index - modified content.

Marc Norman
Last edited by mnorman on Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:06 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Posts: 106
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:50 pm
Location: Alturas, CA

Postby Harry Catharell » Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:11 pm

Hi Marc,

The post explaining the enhanced docs is almost as long as the docs themselves. :lol:

Sterling testament to the effort that has been put into them.

As always, thanks for the great document set !


p.s. does this mean that the document set on the way to me is the most up to date ? :evil:
Harry Catharell
Posts: 812
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Location: Milton Keynes, England

Postby Westy » Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:34 am

Great Marc.

Your efforts are very much appeciated!
Posts: 852
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Location: Lynnfield, Massachusetts USA

Postby Harjo » Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:41 am

:) Thumbs up, Marc!
Wonderfull job!
Harjo Kompagnie
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Postby Karel Broer » Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:51 pm

Awesome work, Marc! This documentation is as much valuable as the Developer itself!
Karel Broer
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