At ServoyWorld 2006 several teams competed in our first ever contest. The 8 teams (mostly consisting of 2 people) tried to complete an application for fundraising support at a fictional non-profit/charity organization.
There was a lot of fun and teasing as we talked the final 2 or 3 teams into joining the fray. I'm not sure if Bob and Jan were helpful or a hinderance as they brought the fellows beers and soft drinks during their 3 hour ordeal. I heard and saw that our other engineers WERE helpful (thanks Sebastian, Johan, Johas, JB, Saaneke, Maarten, Danny, and more...)
After all was said and done, I think everyone learned a lot and hopefully enjoyed themselves. We'll have to try this again next year...but maybe not on the same night as the cocktail party.
Anyway -- drum please -- the winners of the 2006 RAD Race are:
Marcel J.G. Trapman
Harjo Kompagnie (HJK on the forum)
Direct ICT
Congratulations gentlemen! We are proud of all the contestants and expecially happy for the 2 winners.
If you would like to see some pictures of the RAD Race (and more) please visit here: ... 309006460/
Brenda Duncan