ServoyWorld 3.0 opened today

Servoy announcements

ServoyWorld 3.0 opened today

Postby BDuncan » Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:25 pm

The third annual ServoyWorld (I jokingly am calling it SW 3.0!) opened today with a very full menu of three pre-conference classes as well as an Executive Summit for ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) from around the world.

We have attendees from as far away as Austalia to as close as here in the Netherlands (that's Nederlands to the locals!). We have long time "fans" of Servoy as well as people who are considering the platform.

We are glad to have each and everyone.

See the "cafe forum" below for more details.

If you are here, drop a note on the cafe to say hello. If you aren't here...I hope you will join us next year for ServoyWorld 4.0!!

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