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ValueList based on related values

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:40 pm
by sini

I created a value list based on a related values
My relation is tableA_to_tableB
my field is set as TYPE_AHEAD

when I select the field, nothing shows

if I create the valuelist on tabelB only , works fine.

if the field is already filled ( as on an edit) than only the one record shows

TableA is a sort of subset of TableB

any ideas?


Re: ValueList based on related values

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:12 pm
by Joas
Can you explain a bit more about how tableA and tableB are related?
You want to show information from tableA, correct? It looks like your relation should be from tableB_to_tableA.

Re: ValueList based on related values

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:27 pm
by sini
TabelB is a client list with all clients
TabelA is a table with only codes of some clients, say tax clients

I have a form based on another table, but want to select a client from a valuelist, which must only show tax clients ( tableA), but the description, 2nd field, is from the tableB, the return field is the code.

when I create the valuelist on tableB it shows all clients
when I create the valuelist on the relation tableA_to_tableB, it has the problem

If I could select the fields to show from the relation, it would be great, but I can only select fields from one table

if I set the relation tableB_to tableA, then I cannot select the field from tableB in my valuelist and it will then show ALL of the clients