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Printing Labels

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:55 pm
by ShaneK
Can anyone tell me how to set up a form to print correctly to Avery 5160 labels? (3x10) I've been looking for answers here, but the instructions are very old and they don't seem to work for me. I'm using Servoy 5.2.14, do I need to upgrade to 6 to make it work? Thanks for any help!


Re: Printing Labels

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:36 pm
by ShaneK
Well, I never heard from anyone, but I was able to bash through it myself. Here are the settings I used if anyone else has the same problem. It might be able to be done a little better, but it works great for me.

FormWidth: 394
Body Height: 145
paperPrintScale: 200 (This lets you achieve a body height of 72.5 which is what you need to line the text up on the labels vertically. The whole form is done double sized to compensate.)

In default page format, set your margins to be... Left: 0.2, Right, 0.08, Top, .5, Bottom 0.4). Size is na-letter and units are in inches.

Then setup your address fields with fontType Helvetica, Plain 24pt (remember, everything is doubled, it comes out at 12pt). Move them at least 20 pixels from the left edge of the form and make their width 360.

I hope thats useful to someone someday.


Re: Printing Labels

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2014 3:56 am
by datacraftsteve
Hi Shanek,

I'm sad to say I'm not a Servoy developer but I hired one to help me with my solution and printing standard avery 5160 labels has been a stumbling block for him.

I find it odd that there is so little info on this. A very old post (around 2003) mentioned that a wizard was planned to create the label forms but I guess that never happened. And oddly I wasn't able to find your post via the servoytalk. I found it by googlilng "how to create servoy address labels"

I'll pass your info on to him and hope this gets us out of the woods.

Thanks for your post,