Cannot find function ...

Questions and answers for designing and implementing forms in Servoy

Cannot find function ...

Postby cuoredisardegna » Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:51 pm

Hi to All,

could SomeOne resolve this problem?

In Servoy developer 7.4.5, in correspondence of a selected form, the names of all the methods related to that form do not appear below, but only the names a small part of them.
However the methods exist, because if I go into "designer mode", I find each line of each method.
When I run "start debug smart client" I get the following error messages:

Code: Select all
TypeError: Cannot find function Se_Entri_In_Fattureb_E_Prendi_Una_Fattura_Terminata_Disalbilita_Cntr_Accendi2Campi in object FormScope[PrendiIlValoreEsistente,Rigenera_Colonna_CancellataPrev,Pagamento,Cursore_A_Cerca_Cliente,FocalizzaInserisciLemma,FocalizzaCitta,Verifica_Se_Sia_Stato_Fatto_Nuovo_Documento_Per_Immetti_Articolo,Rigenera_Colonna_Cancellata,InserisciClientDaValuelist,NuovaFattura,NuovoPreventivo,Porta_Il_Curosore_Su_Cerca_Articolo,_formname_,AccendiiFattura,SpegniFattura,Trasmetti_Quant_A_Progr_Scarico,SpegniPreventivo,InserisciImmagine,Rispetta_Tipo_Documenti,FocalizzaCap,CaricaArtDaFattura,FocalizzaIndirizzo,VaiAdArticoli,Contanti,Pos,PerCapireLoadRecod,StampaFattura,RipulisciEan,Trasmetti_Quant_A_Progr_Scarico_Per_Pezzi_Uno,Numera_Preventivo,Numera_Fattura,OrdinaRighePortaleDiscendendo,CancellaColonnaPrev,PopolaRigaFattura,Resto,Aggiorna_Perc_Iva,Vai_A_Moduli,Inserisci_Nuovo_Cliente,foundset,Modifica_Codice_A_Barre,FocalizzaPartIva,FocalizzaProv,Verifica_Procedibilita,Bonifico,StampaFatturavERIFICA,AccendiPreventivo,Vai_In_Modalità_Scrittura_Del_Contoller,controller,Prova,Trasmetti_Quant_A_Progr_ScaricoConCommentiVecchi,CaricaRigheFatturaInFattura,Data,SulComandoLoadRecords,CaricaNuovocliente,Nuovo_Articolo,CancellaColonna,InserisciImmagine2,Assegno,Verifica_Se_Sia_Stato_Fatto_Nuovo_Documento,elements,QuantitaDaTrasmettereA_ProgressiviScaricoSeNecessario,VaiAListaFatture,NuovoDocumento]. (C:\Users\Gianni Pinna\servoy_workspace2\NativitasBeataeVirginisMariae_Fatturazione\forms\NavBarGen.js#359)
   at C:\Users\Gianni Pinna\servoy_workspace2\NativitasBeataeVirginisMariae_Fatturazione\forms\NavBarGen.js:359 (VaiPressoFatture)

Tanks in advance.

Gianni Pinna
Posts: 68
Joined: Mon May 07, 2012 5:34 am

Re: Cannot find function ...

Postby mboegem » Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:16 pm

Hi Gianni,

maybe some error in your JS file?
Marc Boegem
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Re: Cannot find function ...

Postby cuoredisardegna » Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:08 pm

Hi Marc,
tank You for Your prompt replay.
I'm looking for, but , this morning all was right and I have 3200 lines in that form

It is very difficult for me.

Gianni Pinna
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Re: Cannot find function ...

Postby mboegem » Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:33 pm

Hi Gianni,

ouch... 3200 lines is a lot.
Sounds like a lot of code that isn't specific to that form.
Try to take out the generic pieces and transfer this to a top level scope.

Also errors should can easily be recognized by red markers in the margin on the right-side of the script editor.
Marc Boegem
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Re: Cannot find function ...

Postby Joas » Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:42 am

You can check the Outline-view (Window => Show view => Outline), it shows the methods in the order they exist in the js-file. (unless the "sort"-button is checked)

When only a part of the methods are showing, the problem is most likely in the method on the bottom.

Maybe a } is missing.
Joas de Haan
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Re: Cannot find function ...

Postby cuoredisardegna » Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:03 pm

Hi Marc,

thanks to Your excellent specifications I was able, thank God, to solve by removing the error of an omitted brace.
Have You as much light and availability in Your every thing.
Best regards.
Gianni Pinna
Posts: 68
Joined: Mon May 07, 2012 5:34 am

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