Newbie: Multiple Issues, can't seem to grasp the platform.

Questions and answers for designing and implementing forms in Servoy

Newbie: Multiple Issues, can't seem to grasp the platform.

Postby jtlowry » Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:06 am

Apologize in advance, this is a long one.

I have kind of done it all in regards to programming, and in most cases there is always tutorials, etc. That will get you going. I am just not finding it with Servoy (which is turning me off a bit). I created an app about 5 years ago in WaveMaker, and for some reason, the backups of the source to that app have vanished. I have all the business logic and how it works in my head (but WaveMaker is no longer an option). I was looking a Servoy and other than the lack of Documentation/Tutorials/etc. Anyways here is my problems, and if any links to current useful explanations of the basic use, since everything I find doesn't apply anymore (2005 dates). What I am trying to do:

In my app I have an order entry screen: "cus_id"(relation to customer), "cusname"(verified by 1 row grid) "date", "tech"(relation to techs), "super"(relation to supers), "hours", "location"(special1),"service" (special1), "price" (special2), "coupon"(special3), "coupondate"(special3), "first"(special4).

The Clerk enters the "cus_id" the "cusname" is populate to make sure it's the right person ("cusname" is not need to be stored in the orders table). Then the "date" is entered. Then "tech" (see below)

First issue I have is "tech" is a type ahead field. Next to it I have a "+" button, that when click opens a dialog with a simple form to add a new tech, which on close of the dialog adds to techs database, and of course set the "tech" field to the new value.
{This is repeated for "super" as well.}
Next is "hours", then a button labeled 'Runs' is pushed.

Now I have another Table... Call it runs, on this table I have "cus_id", "run_id", "location", "service", "startdate", "stopdate", "rsuper", "cvalid".

When the 'Runs' button is pushed a query would populate a selection grid based on "cus_id", "date" (being between "startdate" & "stopdate") "type"(preset value based on which form is ran) with "coupondate" "super" listed for each run. They would select the appropriate run. This would populate the "location" & "service" .

On selection of the run from this grid (only one run can be selected), an even fires to query a table price_serv, using the data from "service" and "date". This table has "service", "price", "prstartdate", "prenddate". Which populates the "price" field on the form with the price matching the service with a date between the start and end dates.

Finally, "coupon" & "first" are both a checkbox, "coupondate" is enabled out if "coupon" is checked of course. And then "Submit" & "Cancel" Button at the bottom.

We all know what happens when the "Cancel" button is pushed. However, "Submit" button will dump the order fields to the order table, but before it does that, if the "first" checkbox is checked. It will update the selected run with: "coupondate" to "cvalid" (if "coupon" is checked) & "super" to "rsuper".

I usually have my checkbox reporting a tinyint (so checked = 1, unchecked = 0). Haven't figured out how to do that yet in this platform yet. But I am looking through everything I can find, though I am not finding it.

Here is my massive problems..... Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am tearing through all this, but I have a feeling one of you could give me a snippet or two, that would get me off to the races. Thank you again for any, and all help. As I said, I have a good concept of writing software, but there is massive piece missing in the servo documentation. Heck, if I pick it up, would gladly help fill in a bit of it.
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Re: Newbie: Multiple Issues, can't seem to grasp the platfo

Postby sean » Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:20 pm

Hi JTLowry,

Thanks for checking out Servoy! And don't give up yet - The platform is very big and comprehensive. Getting started is the hardest part, but there is a whole community here to help you.

I couldn't quite tease out exact, discrete questions from your post, but it seems that maybe Servoy's concept of data binding isn't getting across.
I recommend this section "Working with Data" of our Programming Guide

Also, When you install the latest version of Servoy (2020.03) and work with a fresh workspace, you should be prompted with some limited tutorial content. There is a sample application there. After watching the video, you can click "try it out" and it will actually load the application (You should first have a BLANK workspace). Then you can follow the steps to get started.

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Re: Newbie: Multiple Issues, can't seem to grasp the platfo

Postby sean » Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:21 pm

...also regarding the checkbox part. It is the same. The field should be bound to a integer "data provider"
You look for the "dataprovider" property in the properties panel when you select the component.
This could be a DB column, form, or scope variable among other things.
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Re: Newbie: Multiple Issues, can't seem to grasp the platfo

Postby yboom » Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:30 pm

You may also signup for our spring workshop series
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