►Newbie◄ Cant find where to create calculation on MSSQL

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►Newbie◄ Cant find where to create calculation on MSSQL

Postby jaymer » Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:50 pm

Newbie (user name is weird, real name is Jaymer)
Mac, 2020.12.1, fresh install
Using cloudSampleSolution, 1.1.1 installed via Package manager

Was following the UI Tips/Tricks video from mid 2020, and wanted to play with Styledataprovider, which needs a calculation
In the sample app, a few tables have Calcs
But I added a new MSSQL data source for my testing.

WHERE EXACTLY is there an option to create the tablename_calculations.js file?
The only way I can see to edit this file is to set a dataprovider (on a Form's field) and then click the zoom button to open the editor. And then the left Solution Explorer tree says "cloudSampleSolution (calculation mode)".

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Re: ►Newbie◄ Cant find where to create calculation on MSSQL

Postby dcamargo » Wed Mar 10, 2021 7:41 pm

Hi Jaymer,

See the attached screenshot
Screenshot.jpg (93.79 KiB) Viewed 4301 times

Select your MSSQL DB connection in the Solution Explorer, your tables will appear in the panel below, double-click or right-click edit will open the table and show the list of columns.
In the bottom part, there is a series of tabs, one of those is "Calculations", in there you can add/remove calculations for that particular table (need to save before editing the calculation code)

Open any table, in the same way, to see the existing calculations.

The tablename_calculations.js file will be created automatically with the first calculation you create.

Danny Camargo
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Re: ►Newbie◄ Cant find where to create calculation on MSSQL

Postby Bernd.N » Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:17 am

In general, the Servoy system is very powerful and therefore huge.
If you need it to create a large system fast, which is exactly the scenario that Servoy is very good at, I would not try to learn everything alone from scratch.

Instead, look for a Servoy expert with whom you can have regular online meetings to talk about the many questions that you will have, even if you read all docs available from A to Z and view all tutorials and videos and study all examples.
Bernd Korthaus
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Re: ►Newbie◄ Cant find where to create calculation on MSSQL

Postby jaymer » Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:01 pm

dcamargo wrote:In the bottom part, there is a series of tabs, one of those is "Calculations", in there you can add/remove calculations for that particular table (need to save before editing the calculation code),

Thanks for taking time to give me this answer. That was perfect and all I needed.
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Re: ►Newbie◄ Cant find where to create calculation on MSSQL

Postby jaymer » Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:11 pm

Bernd.N wrote:Instead, look for a Servoy expert with whom you can have regular online meetings to talk about the many questions...

Yes, that’s a great idea. I definitely need a mentor. I’m in a RAD chat group and someone mentioned the tool and we were at first put off by the ISV pricing which indicates you’ve got to pay 2500 a month, but then that’s not really true if you’re “doing it on your own”.
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of help to do it on your own.
I don’t know if that’s by design, so that you are forced to pay money.
But I’m evaluating the tool and while I have a little bit of downtime with other projects right now, I’ve got a week or two to decide to adopt Servoy or not. And if I can’t figure it out or get too frustrated, then I’ll pass it over never to return.
It’s a fine line between The company having formal training for big corporations (as a profit center), or assistance for the little guy and independent developers to pick up the tool. I’ve got to have someway to decide if I want to add this to my toolbox.
All my life I’ve been in situations where a mentor would be great as tools and opportunities have crossed my path. And I started with Magic back in the 80s and had a mentor and used that tool for 25 years.

I’m definitely impressed with what I see with the Servoy product, but several other issues have me wondering.
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Re: ►Newbie◄ Cant find where to create calculation on MSSQL

Postby Bernd.N » Thu Mar 11, 2021 6:09 pm

To my experience, Servoy is so powerful that you can create systems with hundreds or thousands of users, so that you do not need other projects and tools any more (besides databases), but you can concentrate on the Servoy system alone.

And that concentration is necessary to really use all its capabilities and powers.
Bernd Korthaus
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