Using headerCheckbox in AGGrids

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Using headerCheckbox in AGGrids

Postby wvitpr » Tue May 21, 2024 5:10 am

Ive noticed there is headerCheckbox in column properties, is there some example code to show how to use this to select all rows in the foundset?
Phillip Routley

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Re: Using headerCheckbox in AGGrids

Postby Gabi Boros » Tue May 21, 2024 10:59 am

when you set is for a column, it will show a checkbox in the header, and onSelectedRowsChanged will be called whenever it is clicked, with: isgroupselection= true (it is a group selection), groupcolumnid = id_of_column, groupkey = null (because this handler is also used for selection groups, in which case it is the group name), groupselection = true/false based on the check state; you need to actually select the rows in the model when this handler is called;
Gabi Boros
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