Calling servoy from another application

Questions and answers on designing your Servoy solutions, database modelling and other 'how do I do this' that don't fit in any of the other categories

Calling servoy from another application

Postby Gert » Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:20 pm

Is it possible (in windows) to call the servoy-client to open a specified record (whichone is specified in the call) from another application. So yes: 1) how do I start with this? 2) eventually through an url? 3) what about security?
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Postby bobcart » Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:48 am

If you just need to have the other app display the record in servoy, perhaps you could just use the new headless client and write a jsp page that gets the record you need and displays it in a browser window. You just send the request with the appropriate record id in the querystring to the jsp and it in turn will read the argument from the query string and post the request to servoy and return the result however you want. That's now easy.

A bit more complex but should get just what you want would be to have the jsp program pass the record ID on to a method in servoy that would set the specific record to display for the requesting user.
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Postby Harjo » Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:30 am

Yes is possible in the new 2.2b2 with a URL (See release notes how to do this)
Harjo Kompagnie
byKom B.V.
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