Three disturbing oddies

Questions and answers on designing your Servoy solutions, database modelling and other 'how do I do this' that don't fit in any of the other categories

Three disturbing oddies

Postby Morley » Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:20 am

I've included these three in one topic because I intuit they're linked in some way. No rational reason why they should be, but that's the way they feel.

1. If I run controller.loadRecords(relationship) and that loads just one record, then a subsequent controller.newRecord() command creates a new record but does not load it into the form. Subsequent steps work on the single record already there, not the newly created record.

I can get around this by running controller.loadAllRecords() just before I run the controller.newRecord() command. That's okay with the form where I discovered this oddity. But won't be if I have to issue controller.loadAllRecords() before all calls on controller.newRecord().

2. If I run controller.loadRecords(relationship) and that loads just one record, then the relationship used by the tabpanel on the same form fails. That is, the tabpanel jumps to the very first record in the tabpanel's table. Therefore there's no relationship between the record displayed on the form and the record(s) displayed in the tabpanel.

Again, by running controller.loadAllRecords() instead of controller.loadRecords(relationship) the co-ordination problem between the base and the tabpanel is solved. However the form is no longer showing the base record intended.

3. I'm using filters on most forms. I've discovered one form where I know there are valid records to be displayed. Yet if I run controller.loadAllRecords() zero records are loaded. But I can run controller.loadRecords(relationship) in which the relationship does the identical job to the filter and this time the 15 records I was expecting turn up.

All three are very bothersome. I'd like to know if one or more of these are known issues and/or bugs or whether I'm using these commands inappropriately. I'm within days of releasing my solution to end user beta testing.

Version R2 2.2rc3-build 321
Java version 1.4.2_06-b03 (Windows XP)

Experienced the same things under 2.2rc2.
Morley Chalmers
7Office Inc.
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