Tracking question

Questions and answers on designing your Servoy solutions, database modelling and other 'how do I do this' that don't fit in any of the other categories

Tracking question

Postby patrick » Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:00 pm


in the manual I find this sentence:

NOTE: If a user is in multiple groups, the highest access rights will be applied to them. For
example, if a user is in one group that has read-only access to a field and in a second group
that has full access, the user will have full access to the specified field

I wonder how this applies to Tracking. In order to enable tracking for a user I thought it was easiest to create a group "Tracking" that has logging enabled for all relevant tables. This does not seem to work.

Currently I have two groups, Administrators and Tracking. I am member of both groups. If Administrators is not configured to track anything, no log is written if I make changes. If I enable tracking for Administrators, logs are written. It looks like tracking has to be enabled in the first group (ordered by name). That is not so helpful.

I think the best way for this would be to always write logs if the user is in at least on group that has tracking enabled for a table.

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Postby a.mariottini » Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:20 pm

I have a similar problem: a user added to group A and group B.
Group A has access to solution A and not to solution B
Group B has access to solution B and not to solution A
What happes is the user has no access to solution A and no access to solution B, when what I want is the user could have access to both solutions.
Andrea Mariottini
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