sys PDF Viewer

I would like to use this component, therefore I installed the corresponding Solution "sysPDFViewerExample"
Displaying website like '' as '' works fine, also PDFs located in the web
But I want to display a local PDF on my machine
Checking the dokumentation
it says "Load document using URL which is relative to the web applications's root context
In my case on the developer pc:
F:\Eigene Dateien\servoy_workspace_2022\svyPDFViewerExample\medias\test.pdf
'http://localhost:8080 medias/test.pdf' but, does not work
I got the tip (new Port) to use 8183
But I didn't work, also not working with the full path
'http://localhost:8183F:/Eigene Dateien/servoy_workspace_2022/svyPDFViewerExample/medias/test.pdf'
It must be a simple fault, but sorry I can't find it ...
Best Ralf
I would like to use this component, therefore I installed the corresponding Solution "sysPDFViewerExample"
Displaying website like '' as '' works fine, also PDFs located in the web
But I want to display a local PDF on my machine
Checking the dokumentation
it says "Load document using URL which is relative to the web applications's root context
In my case on the developer pc:
F:\Eigene Dateien\servoy_workspace_2022\svyPDFViewerExample\medias\test.pdf
'http://localhost:8080 medias/test.pdf' but, does not work
I got the tip (new Port) to use 8183
But I didn't work, also not working with the full path
'http://localhost:8183F:/Eigene Dateien/servoy_workspace_2022/svyPDFViewerExample/medias/test.pdf'
It must be a simple fault, but sorry I can't find it ...
Best Ralf